I think every day is like a miraculous catch of fish and beautiful
is suspended on a soft pink cloud I like a gentleman and you
as a bride out the window as it flies only
dust storm is in the air. It will be the two of us we are in another, distant planet
but the world seems to be here only a trapdoor secret everyone wants everything to
then realize that it is nothing we will not like other people these are and will remain forever
the best years of our lives the best years of our lives
hold me tight, no night infinite
the best years of our lives. Hold me tight, no night is endless
the best years of our lives.
Monday, December 28, 2009
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The Best Years of Our Lives ...
Friday, December 25, 2009
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Piazza Armerina, tonight at the Church of Fundrò concert harp and guitar
tonight at 20.00 at the Church of San Rocco (Fundrò) located in Piazza Garibaldi, in the Christmas program arranged by the local administration, to be held in Piazza Armerina a concert harp and guitar. This is a concert of duo "Affinity duet, composed dall'arpista Verdiana Matilde Pinto and guitarist Mario Scire Chianetta. The harpist Verdiana Matilde Pinto was born in Messina in 1978. She studied harp at the Conservatoire Corelli A. Messina with various teachers MLLorè, M. Calarco, L. Clementi, Madini V. Moretti, L. Rossi. She has worked with the masters: Book of Judith, Lucy Clementi, Lisette Rossi. She graduated in 2000 in Harp. He received his advanced theoretical and analytical with the highest grades under the guidance of Maestro Mario Musumeci, besides helping with the writing of an essay Quaderni del Conservatorio di Messina Corelli "Analysis and Interpretation" published by the publishing house and a publication on Samperi Journal of Theory and Pedagogy Musical Analysis ", published by Ricordi. He has often worked as a harpist with the Teatro Vittorio Emanuele "the" Birmingham Opera Festival Orchestra "F. Cilea" Palmi accompanying Katia Ricciarelli in concert.

The first part of the concert will be devoted to a repertoire of traditional Christmas classics performed in duo with classical guitar and harp, followed by a second part is dedicated to running solo classical guitar and harp. The conclusion of the concert will be entrusted to a repertoire of Celtic music even Christmas tradition, performed with a Celtic harp.
The Harp
The harp is a plucked string musical instrument, with 47 strings stretched between the soundbox and a shelf, with an extension of six and a half octaves and sang in D flat major. The sounds are unrelated to this shade can be obtained by acting on the pedals 7 double notch, each string is capable of producing three different notes and it is possible to construct a color scale. The harp, which has reached its present form through continuous improvements and modifications, is very old instrument, known initially in Asia Minor and Egypt: documented since 3000 BC, it has a copy, which dates back to 2700 and comes from the Sumerian -Mesopotamia. The Celtic harp or Gaelic harp, known in Scottish Gaelic "clarsach" and Irish "cláirsach" is a traditional stringed instrument of the European countries of Celtic area. The earliest examples of Celtic harp are to be found in Scotland, where he appeared during the eighth century and later spread to Ireland from the twelfth century and then in Wales and Brittany.
The triangular Celtic harp differs from ARPA used in classical orchestras. In fact, it is smaller than classical harp, and unlike the large concert harp, Celtic harp has no pedals, keys, called lever by which we obtain the semitones. The strings of the ancient Celtic harps were metal or gut of sheep, but now they can also be nylon or carbon fiber, and you can play with the fingertips, while the strings are played with metal nails.
The triangular Celtic harp differs from ARPA used in classical orchestras. In fact, it is smaller than classical harp, and unlike the large concert harp, Celtic harp has no pedals, keys, called lever by which we obtain the semitones. The strings of the ancient Celtic harps were metal or gut of sheep, but now they can also be nylon or carbon fiber, and you can play with the fingertips, while the strings are played with metal nails.
Celtic music
The term "Celtic music" is without a doubt a pure definition of convenience, usually associated with a set of musical traditions that present some analogies that are quite distinct and strongly characterized since it would be more correct to speak of "music of the countries of the Celtic tradition." This kind of music it covers a broad spectrum of musical genres that evolved from the traditions and folk music of the Celtic peoples of Western Europe. The term Celtic music may refer either to the music of tradition transmitted orally that popular music with some superficial similarities to the folk styles of the Celtic peoples. Celtic music, being a popular music, a "music of the people" is not purely a written tradition, as sacred or classical music, but mostly over the centuries has been passed down orally.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
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Broken Embraces Almodovar: "A film still has to be done, even in the dark ..."

Last Sunday I saw "Broken Embraces", the latest film by Pedro Almodovar with lovely intense Lena-Penelope Cruz. I've always loved this film from the look a little melodramatically crowds with his sense of grotesque black comedy and drama, with its time film sometimes dilated even so annoying ... I have to say, for a variety of reasons, perhaps because of intellectual laziness, lately I have left to escape the films of Almodovar. But this time I decided that I could not lose and as soon as I saw the posters, I rushed to the cinema ...
I would punch line of the character from the director no longer blind Hurry-Caine, the man who looks at the sea through the eyes of the heart, alias Mateo Blanco (perhaps the alter ego of Pedro?): "A film is still over, even in the dark ... " Someone trying to break at any cost the latest Almodovar (objectively instroncabile) explained the joke by explaining that clearly the intent and the correct starting point the director had been represented in "The Embrace broken "by the" dark turn "... In reality, the director offers us this joke with an apparently disparaging crack about life and human relationships. Life, just like a movie, to be built," mounted "day by day, because each circle can be closed at the end, because every link and every event can know its final realization. And, the melodrama, then, is conducted in "Broken Embraces" up to the paroxysm of insane and dell'insensato, the atmosphere-road is doing mock-yellow-thriller to come, at last, the banality of an accident without a reason and without a like for. Ladies and Gentlemen, here served
life ... The last kiss scene in slow motion before his death, a kiss and looked infinitely expanded by the protagonist, as if to convince themselves and will convince us that there may be links and passions that last forever (even though you know that "forever" does not exist, to use the deboluccio but at times moving, "Saturno contro" Fernan Ozpetek) made me think of a memorable scene and movie times intentionally and infinitely expanded, from one of the cornerstones of the romantic film, "Doctor Zhivago." The scene where Lara goes away forever look back on the sled and runs up and Yuri in the ice house to look away for the last time knowing that you do not see each other anymore ...
Before see the movie someone had told me that it was a difficult film, "heavy" (as the saying goes), a film about violence against women. But I am afraid it is not. This is a film of passions, their ability to give life to those who are now resigned, but also on their ability to turn into destructive elements. The passions that penetrate the lives of these three characters, his-hers-the-other, in a triumph of disturbing cliché, following her husband-not her husband who is stalking his wife on the set-not his wife (who in the backstage whispers his torment to the director-lover) but in this case, not satisfied with the images without sound, but the double by an actress (or speech therapist?) specially engaged, Reading (without pitch) the words through the movement of the lips. Lips that do not emit sounds, eyes blind mountain scenes in a movie without seeing them, looking for inconsistencies and deliberately carried out with a delicate touch but cruel at the same time, which are themselves the power and poetry of the film. And then, the citations of the great classics of cinema, and even of himself, especially the funny scene that mentions "Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown", in "Girls and suitcases" in the final assembly phase, the film's revenge tycoon Ernesto duty to finish even in the dark. In the background, a question mark on the power of cinema and its ruthless laws. Cinema and life.
Finally, a question that inspired the title of the film: there are hugs that you can not break, the bonds that can not be dissolved? ... Probably not, but maybe we prefer to imagine (or pretend) that there are ...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
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"I tell you how many times they come to you and I would not have recognized ..." The world looks to

Today I will tell you a story. A modern history from the ancient taste, but I am sure you back to many centuries ago ... Starts in Eritrea, a beautiful land, from the greek Erythros which means "red" like the sea which it overlooks.
You should know that a dictatorship exists in Eritrea among the worst in the world. The violent anti-democratic and repressive policies implemented by the Eritrean government primarily affect the population in a country now reduced to terror, in which the presumption of an idea alone can cost the imprisonment, torture, mutilation or death. A country in which they are systematically violated human and civil rights and where the population is constantly harassed.
It 's a country where freedom of worship is forbidden to minority religions and thousands of Orthodox Christians, Evangelical Christians, Muslims and other religious groups are persecuted and imprisoned for acts of formalization without charge and without trial in inhumane conditions .
Since 2000, countless illegal landings Eritrean nationals on the Italian coast. They run their own lives at risk by a human and political situation of repression and the blocking of productive activities sacrificed to the total militarization of paese.Il military service, in fact, is compulsory in Eritrea for an indefinite period. The high school students are forced to attend the last school year at the military training camps. The military service is held in conditions of extreme hardship and unprecedented violence, especially against young female recruits are often subject to rape by their superiors in rank.
To escape this situation, thousands of Eritreans were forced to flee their country trying to reach Italian coasts.
Even Yohanes Terhas and arrived in Italy in ways that only desperation can bring to bear. Many of their fellow passengers died at sea in the desert, in the Libyan or Tunisian prisons because the rejections often violate human rights and be brought back for many means sign your own death sentence.
Yohanes and Terhas are young and have more responsibility '. A child must be born and they do not want to be born in a country where there is no freedom. E 'for him to climb on a boat. Refugees among the refugees, desperate among the desperate. E 'in September 2009 and the boat packed of suffering humanity, in the icy waters of the Strait of Sicily sinks. Many do not make it and Yohanes and Terhas do is to just hold onto the remains of the boat waiting for someone to come to the rescue. In the long hours on the water the only thought is for the baby that Terhas in her womb. If you save, if they can get on the Sicilian coast, where the baby will survive and will call it a male Musie, Mose ', saved from the waters ... And someone help arrives and tends them a hand and many other hands will tend to accept them in Sicily.
's so arriving at the reception center of Brolo Sant'Angelo in Messina. And 'here are refreshed, cared for, it is here that tell of what they have suffered, this is where their life crosses that of a young doctor who has a beautiful name: Angela. And 'the young doctor who takes care of them and the small Musie, born in Italy, hospital Patti, October 19, and Angela, who calls his family to inform them that will lead to the small little family, Piazza Armerina and it is always Angela, supported by his wonderful family, who will work to Yohanes, a small but cozy house, and it is Angela who will take care of all their documents, arrived as if by magic in a very short time.
I was there with my daughter and many friends December 7th to welcome Yohanes, and Terhas Musie in their new home at Piazza Armerina. And it was a wonderful party. They do not speak Italian but love, you know, knows no borders or language. It 'was a moment of great emotion, a true gift of Christmas. In that small house everyone has got something. There have been small and Yohanes with Terhas Musie to receive something from us but we have from them a great gift which is called happiness and that we often forget ...
I've told this story because this too can be a way to thank Angela, his extraordinary family and many friends who wanted to contribute generously to support this new family arrived here from a distant land. I wanted to tell this story because I strongly believe that a little Jesus' Child has arrived in our city ... I wanted to tell this story because in a world where the "other" makes us fear the smile of Yohanes, Terhas Musie and reminds us that there are "other" and "different" but we are all refugees on this earth that is all. I want to say one last thing if you still have some doubts. Yohanes in Eritrea was a carpenter by trade ....
I've told this story because this too can be a way to thank Angela, his extraordinary family and many friends who wanted to contribute generously to support this new family arrived here from a distant land. I wanted to tell this story because I strongly believe that a little Jesus' Child has arrived in our city ... I wanted to tell this story because in a world where the "other" makes us fear the smile of Yohanes, Terhas Musie and reminds us that there are "other" and "different" but we are all refugees on this earth that is all. I want to say one last thing if you still have some doubts. Yohanes in Eritrea was a carpenter by trade ....
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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If the great earth do not act now to reduce greenhouse gases, the planet will go 'meeting to mass extinctions of plant and animal species, mass migration and famine, a bomb destabilizing to world peace. President Obama and other leaders now have the opportunity 'to all of us to ensure a sustainable future of peace, and so enter' in history.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
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Province of Enna: revoked the appointment of Alderman Simon

Alderman revoke the delegation at the Provincial Budget, the President Ilaria Di Simone, Giuseppe Monaco. Since the beginning of term a series of cracks between Directors, Directors of the majority, party leaders had done crunching the center-right majority that governs the Province of Enna. The last and most severe episode, which in a few hours resulted in a chain reaction, a veritable political earthquake, it was the rejection in the last session of the Provincial Council of the change proposed by the provincial government in the settlement of the budget, closely followed, always in the same session, by an act of censorship of thirteen of twenty-five Provincial Board against the President of the Provincial Council, Massimo Greek. It 'just yesterday morning the news of the revocation of the delegation after Alderman Di Simone, according to accredited hearing voices, had been in vain solicited his resignation in at least two previous occasions, following the critical positions against it by of the two directors of the center, Faraci (Right) and Sutera (AD), who argued in consultation with their provincial representatives of the party now in Government Simone did not represent any political party. For groped to recompose the picture, was opened on Saturday for a summit meeting between the provincial representatives of the parties of the center, which will surely also the point on the constitutional position of the second situation, the Presidency of the Council, as a result of 'act of censorship against him, the Greek President would be made available to the coalition office. Moreover, there would be problems at home UDC, as the two Councillors, Lantieri and Litteri, do not seem to enjoy the confidence of the Directors Provincial of their party, will intervene on behalf of the Provincial Commissioner, Mr Joseph Drago.
We'll now see what happens. If the center-provincial ricompatterà (perhaps waiting for a few weeks of arguing and remix it again) or if you are going to new elections ...
Meanwhile, the provincial council Francis Hospital, parent company of the PDL, near Hon. Alliance and supporter of Di Simone, seems to have made clear, declaring that he will participate in the negotiations and urging the President to act as guarantor of Monaco mending of the coalition.
Perhaps the real problem of the team's center that currently govern us in the province is the fact that too many links have so far been opened and on any side, to the patronage of the governments. The failure of the President of Monaco was perhaps yield to political pressure, the junta remix every breath of wind? Would not it be more fair to the voters who also had placed so much faith in change, which they believed represented by him, go ahead with the same team and put real focus on people's problems, rather than bickering and sottobeghe policy? These and other questions we prefer not to answer. However, we are reminded of the slogan used by dr. Monaco after the victory in local elections of 2008: "The turnaround has begun ..."
What can I say? If people had known that this was the turning point might not have turned the center and would be held? ...
Sunday, December 6, 2009
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Milano-Palermo: return ...

arrested yesterday, the numbers 2 and 3 of the mafia, respectively Giovanni Nicchi, 28, and Gaetano Engaged, 75 years. The first, a young and "rampant" killer, considered the successor to Salvatore Lo Piccolo, caught in an apartment in the old town not far from the court in Palermo, after hiding that had lasted since 2006. The second, a fugitive since 2008 and known exponent of drug trafficking, considered by most the head of the family dell'Acquasanta, caught in the company of brother-in Via Marghera, Milan.
Everything after the words spoken during his deposition in the sorry process Dell'Utri Spatuzza "Graviano told me that we got everything and this is due to the seriousness of those people who carried out this story, which were not like those four "c. .." socialists who had taken vows of 88 and '89 and then we had the war. I made are the names of two entities: Mr Berlusconi's Graviano told me it was one of the Channel 5 ". And then, continuing, once again citing Spatuzza Severity: "There is a half of our countryman, Dell'Utri. Thanks to the seriousness of these people we had virtually put the country in his hands. "
" ramblings, "said Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, who also denies the idea circulated in some quarters about" ticking arrests "made ie just after allegations of Spatuzza.
"It 'a result that must be filled with joy and I think all Italians honest face Justice of the ravings of these days the government and the mafia. Over the past 50 years no government has done more than that in the fight against organized crime. "
Premier Silvio Berlusconi also expressed great satisfaction with the arrests of two members Cosa Nostra, and thanks the police.
"These two operations are a brilliant response to all the slander me and to the government by irresponsible people that their actions do nothing but throw mud on our international image" - the President of the Council.
now remains to bring to justice the super-fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro, given the number 1 of the Cosa Nostra. Meanwhile, Friday, Dec. 11 is expected during the deposition process Dell'Utri Graviano brothers. And if, in the wake of the coincidence that occurred earlier, another coincidence occurs with excellent capture of Messina Denaro, maybe own day on December 12 or so ...?
Milan-Palermo return ...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
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December 5 to 8: the Ante-Fitetrec Piazza Armerina chosen to host the 2nd "National Winter Equiraduno"

Piazza Armerina from 5 to 8 December will host the 2nd "National Equiraduno Winter." The prestigious event, sponsored by the city of Piazza Armerina and organized by Fitetrec-doors, the rediscovery of the territory and tradition, shows how tourism horse does not stop during the winter. After the huge success of 1 "National Winter Equiraduno" held in Sardinia, for the second event organized by the Federation in the cold season has been chosen beautiful land of Sicily, specifically the town of Piazza Armerina, in search of places where nature is still wild and is dominated by the history and myths of a territory for its particularly impressive. In particular, the event will pass through the territory of the Province of Enna, which is particularly suited for equestrian tourism, along with the old horses that wind through trazzere important archaeological sites and mythological to arrive at last in the city of mosaics.
Given the circumstances, the event is indeed a great opportunity to effectively promote the image of Piazza Armerina.
"An event where the province of Enna, with a distinct vocation for equestrian, will show its extraordinary natural beauty "- commented the Mayor Carmelo Nigrelli during the press conference presenting the initiative.
" Another piece to the creation of a tourism niche that is linked to the development stable in our area by completing the incredible value of our heritage on which to focus our policy and market strategy "- said Deputy Mayor Teodoro Ribilotta, promoter of the event.
The highlight of the event is scheduled on 7 and 8 December, when the riders who take part, after having traveled the routes of approach envisaged, walking about 90 km each ("Way of the mines," "Way of the grain," "Way of the Greeks"), will reach the area of \u200b\u200bPiazza Armerina. The event is scheduled for Monday, December 7 at 13.30 at the exhibition center in the Town Square in the former area known as SIAC, located in Contrada Bellia, where demonstrators will gather after the stabling of horses will receive the pass and gadgets. The next morning, Dec. 8, the former starting from the SIAC and fixed around 9.30 and the knights, after covering a demonstration in the streets of Rome and with the help of a popular musical entertainment and folklore, gives greeting Journal of the City of Piazza Armerina Piazza Falcone e Borsellino. To the opportunity to be involved, in addition to Ippomontato Department of Forestry, including the Departments of State Police on horseback and the Carabinieri.
be emphasized, as the entire province of Enna provides opportunities for hiking choices of great cultural value. In fact, according to ancient and evocative "trazzere" (rural roads), can be reached on horseback important mythological and archaeological sites such as the Villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina, the remains of the ancient city of Morgantina in the Municipality of Aidone , Rossomanno excavation area, the Mineral Park of Floristella Valguarnera near the Natural Park Buzz, Lake Pergusa in Enna.
Given the circumstances, the event is indeed a great opportunity to effectively promote the image of Piazza Armerina.
"An event where the province of Enna, with a distinct vocation for equestrian, will show its extraordinary natural beauty "- commented the Mayor Carmelo Nigrelli during the press conference presenting the initiative.
" Another piece to the creation of a tourism niche that is linked to the development stable in our area by completing the incredible value of our heritage on which to focus our policy and market strategy "- said Deputy Mayor Teodoro Ribilotta, promoter of the event.
The highlight of the event is scheduled on 7 and 8 December, when the riders who take part, after having traveled the routes of approach envisaged, walking about 90 km each ("Way of the mines," "Way of the grain," "Way of the Greeks"), will reach the area of \u200b\u200bPiazza Armerina. The event is scheduled for Monday, December 7 at 13.30 at the exhibition center in the Town Square in the former area known as SIAC, located in Contrada Bellia, where demonstrators will gather after the stabling of horses will receive the pass and gadgets. The next morning, Dec. 8, the former starting from the SIAC and fixed around 9.30 and the knights, after covering a demonstration in the streets of Rome and with the help of a popular musical entertainment and folklore, gives greeting Journal of the City of Piazza Armerina Piazza Falcone e Borsellino. To the opportunity to be involved, in addition to Ippomontato Department of Forestry, including the Departments of State Police on horseback and the Carabinieri.
be emphasized, as the entire province of Enna provides opportunities for hiking choices of great cultural value. In fact, according to ancient and evocative "trazzere" (rural roads), can be reached on horseback important mythological and archaeological sites such as the Villa Romana del Casale di Piazza Armerina, the remains of the ancient city of Morgantina in the Municipality of Aidone , Rossomanno excavation area, the Mineral Park of Floristella Valguarnera near the Natural Park Buzz, Lake Pergusa in Enna.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
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Oliviero Bhea answers Celli

Celli Dear, I read with great interest your open letter entrusted to the front page of La Repubblica on Monday. In it, exhorts her sons, Matthew literally the twenty-three student in mechanical engineering in general, but the young Italian, to escape from that country to become unsalvageable. Matt responds in a statement that the agency penserà.La letter has provoked many negative reactions to positive and some adhesions, and I assume others are following it as I write. The reasons for "escape" you think are different and more or less the usual. I will not repeat here what we think and write in many of the comatose state of Italy. It makes the names of those responsible, perhaps because it would form a phone book, perhaps for other reasons, including that for which I am writing. For those who do not know, accurate at this time she was General Manager of the most valuable private Luiss University, a laboratory for the formation of the new ruling class of Paese.E 'likely, given his position and his responsibility, if the felt he had submitted his resignation letter, someone would have appreciated his consistency. And we're getting to the point. Right here, a few weeks ago, I addressed the visitors of this website is also to readers of my lines, I quoted Paul Valery and her "When you can not attack the reasoning attaches the reasoner. " Sport much practiced by us, and which I dolevo on my skin. It 'just so stating from the outset that, in your case I can not really separate ragionatore.Detto reasoning and otherwise, to support certain positions must have the face for it. And the more it goes (back) sliding down the slope Italian, unless there are "faces" appropriate and unassailable. Power is not only worn but dirty. So if you remember anybody that has had important managerial positions in his life, dall'Omnitel Olivetti, Eni Enel, the first by Rai chief of staff and then as General Manager (there we met and I appreciated its impact Romagna-based cigar and sympathy), then to Ipse 2000 (note the failure of that enterprise phone and the unemployed?), then first of Unicredit Luiss, it is because we are what we are and the roles we ricoperto.Nel My book Italiopoli Editions Chiarelettere, there is a chapter dedicated to you and one of his successors, Flavio Cattaneo, entitled "The right hand, his left hand. In television, documentary aims to demonstrate the damage he has done She left while being well-informed and educated man who did apply Cattaneo from the right hand like a good Don Rodrigo, and I quote its unblemished "I hoped to change Rai, now get up in the hands surrender. It 's a Rai in the hands of the parties ... The left has done more damage than the right. In Rai is thought only about how to keep good armchair. " She said the December 11, 2000, and was still, after two years, General Manager of stessa.Domanda: those who had placed it there? It was entered for the competition? And in all other sites with repeat roles relevant to a person of depth, did not / needed the boost, or security policy? Because this is the country, she says with other words in the letter to Mattia.E therefore all fathers who have not been of his (as the class leader) "shield" policy? And all the other children who are not in the situation however, preferred to Matthew? What do we do? We are confident that you can from a crusade about the evils of this Italy? And she who has done really, what choices such waivers, to cure these ills, as well as metaphorically (????) take place in the local health authorities of responsibility for directing the operation? And then you can talk to your doctor? There is a difference between you and - say - Gino Strada just to continue to work towards a metaphor for real? If he said Street would have sounded like a different alarm, genuine, more credible, or not? As law, not by the substance of what he wrote, which I fear in this case is stained differently from the writer, who has always been part of a ruling class responsible for the reduction in these terms the country from which calls to andarsene.In throughout his long, award-winning, deservedly winning career, you really opposed to this decline that complaint to the people of Italy? Let's talk about fathers? And if so, who should go away from Italy maybe leaving here the metaphorical booty, your child or not quite yourself? Sincerely your OB
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
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Gianfranco Fini is aired on Fuorionda ...

After the spread of the Fuorionda Fini is increasingly clash in PDL. Minister Claudio Scajola said: "It 's out of the party line."
facts. During a conference in Pescara on November 6 last year, the President of the Chamber, Gianfranco Fini, the third position in the State, Silvio Berlusconi and critical comment on the investigations of the Mafia that would see the Knight implied by saying that it is "an atomic bomb." Not without first compared the Premier to a Roman Emperor, which confuses the popular support, which empowers it to govern the country, with a kind of absorbent total immunity from any guarantee authority (State Audit Court, the Constitutional Court, President of the Republic, Judiciary, Parliament and so on). But there's more. The President Fini, last night called into question phone-ins to "Ballarò", claiming his words with an explicit: "I do not have explanations." At that point the poor Minister of Heritage and Cultural Coordinator of the PDL, Sandro Bondi, heavily silenced by phone call Fini, can only end with a terse: "I am disappointed ..."
malriuscito Despite the attempt by the Minister Angelino Alfano to throw water on the fire, talking of misconceptions to overcome, the Minister for Productive Activities, Claudio Scajola, on the sidelines of the forum for dialogue between Italy and Russia, says succinctly: "It 'out of the party line. "
assurances on the retention of the majority come from nientepopodimenochè Gelmini. But probably hits the nail on the Secretary of the PD, Pier Luigi Bersani, when speaking of the center in confusion.
Gianfranco Fini PIVELLINA certainly not a policy. Probably his utterances, the result of setting background now conspicuously divergent from autarky-reactionary drift of thought and action of the Premier, born from the need to prepare the ground for a tomorrow that is now no longer seems too far away. The center, as we have known in recent years, as originators of an entity that is built around the character perhaps Berlusconi has really come to an end? ...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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minarets, Campanale, crucifixes
The Swiss referendum that prohibits the construction of minarets expresses, in the opinion of many, primarily fear. But fear of what, given that the minaret - next of kin of our steeple - is nothing but a means of spreading the religious message and call to prayer? Prayer and call to arms. In Italy, the League welcomes the outcome of the referendum and some joker (the Deputy Minister Roberto Castelli) is proposed to include the crucifix in our tricolor (Ezio Greggio would say: "'I know guys'). Clear: the minaret and the Cross are religious symbols and are aimed at those who belong al'una or the other religion. It is not about power tools or means of war (although there are those who makes such use) and it is only in part, manifestations of a cultural tradition. If svilissimo witness to our faith to mere expressions of our tradition or our own historical identity, we would do wrong to all those who truly believe in those signs. Who wants to appropriate the symbols remember that the man who was posted to the cross was saying "I recognize how you love" (Jn 13:35) and not those who have hung crucifixes. Attention, therefore, to build on the crucifix or, conversely, the minaret, the story of a civilization and its institutionalization. If this can help to strengthen a culture and give meaning to the public, may also lead to a kind of secularization of the deeper meaning of his inspiration of faith. This would lead to the exact opposite of what we propose: a kind of worldliness, with pretensions to hegemony or trends in victimization, the same religious experience.

The Swiss referendum that prohibits the construction of minarets expresses, in the opinion of many, primarily fear. But fear of what, given that the minaret - next of kin of our steeple - is nothing but a means of spreading the religious message and call to prayer? Prayer and call to arms. In Italy, the League welcomes the outcome of the referendum and some joker (the Deputy Minister Roberto Castelli) is proposed to include the crucifix in our tricolor (Ezio Greggio would say: "'I know guys'). Clear: the minaret and the Cross are religious symbols and are aimed at those who belong al'una or the other religion. It is not about power tools or means of war (although there are those who makes such use) and it is only in part, manifestations of a cultural tradition. If svilissimo witness to our faith to mere expressions of our tradition or our own historical identity, we would do wrong to all those who truly believe in those signs. Who wants to appropriate the symbols remember that the man who was posted to the cross was saying "I recognize how you love" (Jn 13:35) and not those who have hung crucifixes. Attention, therefore, to build on the crucifix or, conversely, the minaret, the story of a civilization and its institutionalization. If this can help to strengthen a culture and give meaning to the public, may also lead to a kind of secularization of the deeper meaning of his inspiration of faith. This would lead to the exact opposite of what we propose: a kind of worldliness, with pretensions to hegemony or trends in victimization, the same religious experience.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Blue Tooth Gaming Headphones
Bedding budgetary Piazza Armerina: press release of the council of the PD

Approved the maneuver settling the 2009 budget during the municipal council which was held Sunday, November 29. Almost all the councilors present and initially all united on the common sense of responsibility Ente institutional guarantee of a financial instrument in respect of the Stability Pact. The session began with strong polemics of the directors of the PDL, paternity and Gagliano, who invited all the center right to leave the classroom and criticized the choice of date for convening the council, stressing the need for another day of analysis of the maneuver to submit amendments. "In the Conference of Heads group, we have agreed that date to avoid last-minute contingencies that could create difficulties Ente and the public - says the band council of the PD - usually you do not understand this attitude that the meetings of the PDL approving the budget in the first session leaves the classroom, to be there the next day and abstain. " But there was controversy at the height of the frontal attack of fatherly advice to the Director of the UDC fillets, Chairman of the meeting in place of President Centonze, reproaching him for having convened the session without the minimum time limits. Therefore, all the center right and leave the room thread, was to preside over the council until the end of the work, read out a maneuver included an amendment by Councillor Fioriglio who had left the classroom by joining the protest. "We recognize the great sense of political and moral responsibility to the Adviser Fillets that, even under the attack of the PDL, he played the role of guarantee that is appropriate for a president, also maintaining a quorum for the conduct of the session. We rejected the amendment pledged thirty thousand euro in the budget years 2010 to give public information in the annual meetings of the board, as the principal was absent and no one has represented the political motivations. - Said the group of PD - We are seeking to ensure that the meetings have a public disclosure to ensure transparency and public participation, therefore, in the 2010 budget will be prepared a special chapter of expenditure and, meanwhile, will be assessed all media that the technology provides users aiming at those endless choices that will ensure efficiency and cost-effective service for citizens. " It was a board meeting where they were recorded too many contradictions within the center-right split between the PDL and UDC, the group of independent and MPA have closely followed the proposal to leave the room even though the concerted date meetings of the Board, and ultimately by the PDL's appeal seeking another day to process any amendments, proposed that jars with the action of the solitary Fioriglio adviser who has found the time to analyze the maneuver, exquisitely technique, introducing an amendment to the offices of the Bureau and the accounting.
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Piazza Armerina: feminist women or men with no arguments? ...
known these days with some disappointment (mixed in some ways a quid of fun) that a particular category of male gender when know how to answer (correct or not) considerations of a woman's accusation of feminism. There would be nothing to wonder if it was not that I grew up in a family where men have always respected the dignity of women and contributed to my tendency to want to say as a person and achieve my autonomy and independence. However, once again, I realize how different the world is, how little real man worthy of this name circulate at all latitudes, of how ominicchi are accustomed to hide their mediocrity and pettiness behind the screen of the alleged feminism return.
PS if the definition of feminism is "the conviction that biological sex should not be a factor in pre -factor shaping the social identity or socio-political or economic rights of the person "...

Well, dear female piazzese (do not use the term "female" on the case) back to "do the sock" (I quote an excerpt taken from an explicitly interventions more enlightened a person likely to graduate) ... if you agree with the choice of blue lines is not because the city is more orderly and less chaotic, but because you are a friend of the powers that be ... if you consider the disgraceful conduct of a prime minister who uses his position in order to subdue the cancellation of his legal problems with sneaky ad hoc unconstitutional and unreasonable is because you are biased and down with references to your relatives, etc ... if you write on the topic of why men go with the trans here is flown down insults on a personal level, etc ... but the end result is always the same, every intervention of mysterious lights and quasi-anonymous professional mistreated misogynist ends with the pithy statement: "You feminists are all the same .. .
I would reply: "Oh yes, Dr. Lawyers, we liberated women are all the same: our dignity is sacred and we understand to the end that is all too easy to respond to a woman who does not think like you dismissing it with jokes on the reactionary and medieval-its supposed feminism ... "
But I prefer not to retaliate. After all, everyone has friends it deserves. And I do not have the habit of interacting with those who frequented by politicians and strategists dark bar ...
PS if the definition of feminism is "the conviction that biological sex should not be a factor in pre -factor shaping the social identity or socio-political or economic rights of the person "...
enough ... Article go to re-read. 3 of our Constitution to declare all (men or women does not matter) feminist ...
Article 3 of the Constitution
All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the actual participation of all workers in the political, economic and social country.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the actual participation of all workers in the political, economic and social country.
What can I say? Thank goodness that the Framers were not misogynistic ...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
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Violence against women
This video is giving us think about how much violence women suffer every day!
This video is giving us think about how much violence women suffer every day!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Kathie Lee Gifford Has Diabetes
TV Spot - Elimination of Violence against Women - NO VIOLENCE ON WOMEN
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
(goat Cheese, Cow Cheese)
Typically, one below, is a scene that represents the classic relationship between a professor, "Professor" of a any Italian university and the assistant compliant.

know at least half a dozen of these stories and I have seen - really in disbelief - to something very similar at the Faculty of Architecture in Palermo around 1995. I remember perfectly well that a meeting (we were called "revisions") with a known horny professor gaze absolutely manic and embarrassing even for a sheep that walked wall-wall, came a girl, a little wink and tracagnotta pig, and truccatissima with big tits in full view in a dress all red from head to feet, including shoes and ribbon in her hair ... it was May, and then it was hot.
I swear, I realize that we do not believe, but I swear that girl has entered the office of prof. after me ... The look and physique du rôle of the guy in the image correspond to what I'm talking about.
I do not think having in mind to follow an academic career, certainly I will make it.
On the other hand as I remember to have seen and heard the level was comparable to the squalor of the situation in context. And that remains, in a context in which, after all, the fondling of the girl is the most understandable and human.
In this case, at most, says a friend is a French 'histoire de cul .
The problem is that the Italian system, of which the University is only one expression, is essentially based on histoires de CULS.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
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Postcards from the Promised Land (2 / 2)
Traveling, inevitably, we are confronted with the existence of the cards.
Traveling, inevitably, we are confronted with the existence of the cards.
We all know what are the cards and we all know what they do (even if now the cards have the same function once).
We went to Paris and we sent a postcard, we went to Venice and have sent a postcard ......
actions were (and are) always the same: choose card, buy greeting card, write what you write, and then stamp the letterbox .... then someone received ....
So you go to a different place, perhaps far away, you go to a place where there is a desire, ambition, and the motherboard, while it shows your thinking to a person, by ' Another witness your knowledge, your being in a place.
E 'even consider that until about twenty years ago (I speak a Sicilian who has lived on his own skin and always), to travel, even banal to go to Rome or Florence, it was neither obvious nor simple, nor particularly cheap.
Still less ordinary mortals could be considered normal to think of going a weekend in New York (assuming that it still needs some shaking) with his girlfriend.
those were other times, say, to my memory, twenty to thirty years ago .....
However, we are talking here of postcards: postcards that evoke, who collect postcards, greeting cards and postcards that represent that you have sent.
Many other interesting observations and analysis I come to mind aspects of communication, interpersonal, psychological and historical postcards now while not wishing to pursue this topic with a discussion focused.
I wonder what cards have been for a long time Palermo?
reproduced what and why?
Palermo in the '50s, '60s and '70s was the promised land of the Sicilians who lived in small towns of the island (in countries, as they say the "citizens" by giving the word a connotation sminuitiva). Displacement of populations, the wild construction, urbanization, residential carpet, are closely related to the organization control and management of political power in Sicily and in Palermo, Sicily and this city is the political and administrative capital.
From War to the 80s after the city expanded to carpet, saturating the area with a cement-layered and juxtaposed habitat, low-level quality and design aesthetic and technological.
trash made by companies and surveyors, in most of the new creations.
trash still in great demand by people who escaped and is still beyond the parameters of a successful civilian life in their habitat as a civil and livable.
But anyhow .... we know the economic stuff you sell easily .....
Returning to the postcards, I've found four, which represent, in my view, the imagination of those who "transferred" to Palermo from the country. " The imagery of "peasant "......
Postcards are a commercial product, like many others: the creation and printing of cards is a fact quite professional and technical specialists, as well as relatively expensive because the production numbers are necessary to return the product for sale at a reasonable cost. If anyone has made the postcards that I present is because it has evaluated the request and has developed a product that is sold, and selling we would have won. Normal. Among other things, speaking as a photographer I must say that the photos were used without doubt with professional technical equipment room type optical bench and the like. So it is not the case for taking pictures but challenging and carefully planned. For market demand and thus to an audience of buyers.
Thousands of these were sold as postcards and sent to someone.
Why this and why do I speak?
Why these pictures represent the ambition and the myth of modernity on the majority of the population of this city recently shared at a time.
In this context, urban and social were formed after a few generations. For personal circumstances thirty years ago - I was already pretty pain in the ass - I got to get to know people, extraction very popular, originating in Corleone: My father was their doctor and then we were invited at least a couple of times their house in the country.
Apart from the fact, only folk in this case, which were related to the family Bagarella, these nice ladies lived in a house whose ground floor was living in the mule barn and communicated directly with the scale of the house, inside .
Obviously I do not remember neither nor water heater heating or other similar amenities, but I certainly do not consider a snobbish, this is only for those who do not have any idea what the state we lived in the country thirty years ago in Sicily to war.
Before the war the situation I do not imagine it either.
It is obvious that, after receiving the postcard, the most unlucky cousin Corleone, Favara or Cesarò, weirs of desire but of envy, because it is understandable that the mule and its smell and all that revolves around going to do without.
The poor man received a postcard that probably was not even able to read, blinding and dreaming in front of those buildings, those streets, those blue skies.
It was interesting to send a photograph of Marina Square, the Teatro Massimo, or the cathedral, but the new districts where the most "lucky", the rich cousins, had moved, not even to make the goalie (it was a typical phenomenon a time) of the "palaces" and live in rooms where even an old washing machine, if he had a conscience, it would depress!
look at these postcards from the hyper-saturated color I naturally the painful realization that I propose: the places depicted in these photos have remained exactly the same as those of the cards, as the entire city, such as plants buildings, such as an entire society as a whole fictitious economy, welfare and profoundly ill.
Everything is as it was thirty years ago.
But time passes, the skies above the cards are no longer blue and the houses-of-modern miracle for the Sicilians "evolved" they fall apart.
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Here, as on Mars, no life (1 / 2)
Palermo, portrait of a city without limits
E 'as I mention below, look, evaluate, live to see: there is no life in Palermo. There is no life or creative thinking, there is no criticism or review, only complaints. Perennial moans of a city ill. In Palermo, in fact, there are only economic activities of mere physiological specificity. This city is like a biological organism that consumes food and energy expelling its product waste. Here it is not produced nor creating anything. No capital gains. No thought. No perceived quality.
Palermo is a city of gray, dirt, noise, a city stratified social hypocrisy and management. A city made of "in house" and "out." A city where public space is no man's land. A land of no good to park cars, garbage bins, for the things you do not keep at home.
A city consists of a communal society and passive, a city full of people conformist, approved and silent, a city of old and people born old. A city where people want to see her as much as possible for approved and perhaps the fear of inability to know to run their own originality. Here, if you're different, but only just a little, you're "crazy" and "eccentric", was also not put the tie. A city where everyone is so-so.
A city made, broadly, the same buildings that are located on the outskirts of Soviet cities that we think without horror realize that we live in it. A city made of concrete but in the periphery of invasive scale of the territory. A city of poor people of resources, such as may, will make its world obviously bad, facendoselo pleasure.
Palermo is now a sort of large slums / shanty towns, but of cement concrete with lifts and the smell of dampness and mold, cement and plaster falling.
A city dirty and ugly, like an old maid, puts on makeup to appear, then the powder and paints her eyebrows. And you see around.
A city of people gathered, piled, who firmly believes in its own defined by nobilitas an important and constant phenomenon of mutual satisfaction and generational general.
A city of people yelling when he speaks, people talk about the raucous, vulgar and aggressive. Of people who want to see her aggressive and speaks in dialect. A dialect from the aggressive tone, per se, a language, in fact, aggressive. The first things you learn as children in public schools are aggressive phrases, phrases of a vulgar and disruptive aggression of a paradoxical if not spectacular, and which, interpreted, allow you to find the origins of a company, and lived at the scale of decades allow us to understand where this company and this city are now. Probably this aggression
shown through the language he uses is the same as the organized crime, better known as the Mafia, is probably the same for emulation, it is the manner and language.
A chaotic city of anarchy and uncivilized without respect. A society and a city that does not have the characteristics of a variety of different companies. A city of "poor" and "rich", this is limited and basic criterion of social differentiation. But in this place and in this society where poverty is a poverty without any dignity, what is the supposed "wealth"? What actually are "rich" who, here, passing through them.
I am to mind a joke that a friend and fellow architect, also said Iranian ten or more years ago: "I move to California," said Oh, good heavens, why? - answered because there is no culture here in Palermo and economy and is an architect can work there (he graduated recently too) .- And I asked him to start, and a fairly lucrative trade in his city ..... I said exactly this: I go away because I can do business anywhere in the future, then I would not want my son asked me "dad .. because you were so fool to leave Iran to stay in Palermo ?"....
is a city that pretends calling card number "grandeur" historicized and Polyphemus the now legendary: the tourists are taken around the definition of "Conca d'oro", the stories of Arab Palermo always denied and a arabitudine that however is generally associated with a disparaging tone and ruling by the inhabitants. When it comes to Los Angeles, Dubai or other similar cities is not associated with the concept of "walk" to "take a walk" and I wonder, what exactly is the added value of making "two steps" in any the road to Palermo? I wonder because frankly I find it hard to do it and propose it.
Why do not I can think of nothing more than background noise, dirt everywhere and the most varied types, smells, absolute disorder in all things and in short, not because I can think while moving in public space are right in that no man's land that no one hears or perceives as his own, that no one respects and care and in which no one recognizes. The color of this no man's land is gray dirt and dust. The streets are gray, gray are the facades of buildings, cars are always dirty gray, gray are the faces of people, dirty gray are the signs of the shops, the horizon is gray cement and iron, which closes the horizon on the sea of this city.
Palermo is a city without limits, then without perspective, this statement may have a double meaning, rhetorical or real. Yes, because Palermo is a city on the sea which has always denied the sea, in fact the entire coast from the outskirts of Palermo at the end of the city is forbidden or inaccessible, hidden or unpleasant environment for the level of corruption all too evident. In Palermo, where they want to dispose of a thing is said to "throw overboard": here the sea is the landfill, the synthesis and the mother of all no man's land.
The port is great, almost like the whole city. Vacuum, industrial, inaccessible and daunting. Foreclosure, rather than exclusive. Queata city noise, noise, dust, urban motorways and barriers everywhere. Muri undone, unmade roads, windows broken, blind street in an urban labyrinth where the rounds, it seems to be in a video game, because in the video game look and look for the "enemy", what you have in front, and on the micro-battle face, not ever raise his eyes to look around. Also, precisely because there is nothing to look around.
Anywhere in the city are always and only surrounded by walls and buildings and when you get there are limits to the gates before the sea. No horizon.
Frankly Palermo is a city ugly, dirty and sad and I find it hard to invite someone to come here to seek the welfare conditions. Conversely it is easy to characterize precisely all that discomfort. I do not write this for pessimism and depressed mood, but awareness of the local reality and do not: in any urban location, metropolitan, provincial or isolated, there are pros and cons to the choice of living in a context. The city of Palermo offers no benefit to me to find and they fall in the equilibrium conditions a contemporary metropolis.
images that represent my review of the photographs are, and because the photographs have a connotation of objectivity, they say, in principle, as it is. Were carried out between 2002 and 2004 during the documentary for the French publisher "Actes Sud" and "La Repubblica". Most of them I have made with a specific awareness and in particular social-weather: in fact been carried out only on Sundays, between 12 and three in the afternoon, during and at day time, but flat gray and bright usually with high clouds and without shadows. On Sunday, at certain times the apparent lack of dynamism and degree of vegetative survival of this social organism that is the city of Palermo, a city, despite everything. In this condition, as it turns out that part of town that is a public good, and therefore any public area broadly, will turn into reality in a state "border-line" border populated by stray dogs (big ones, but usually harmless ) and wandering, some crazy, Jehovah's Witnesses in pairs and their folders, other characters, as they say the snails, "come out when it rains." However
recommend visiting Palermo on the night, the rampant ugliness, dirt-invasive, are less obvious.
* Hic sunt leones is a Latin phrase that translates as "Q ui there are lions" . Was often marked on maps drawn by the African Middle Ages to the sixteenth century to describe the unknown and possibly hostile territories.
Palermo, portrait of a city without limits
E 'as I mention below, look, evaluate, live to see: there is no life in Palermo. There is no life or creative thinking, there is no criticism or review, only complaints. Perennial moans of a city ill. In Palermo, in fact, there are only economic activities of mere physiological specificity. This city is like a biological organism that consumes food and energy expelling its product waste. Here it is not produced nor creating anything. No capital gains. No thought. No perceived quality.
Palermo is a city of gray, dirt, noise, a city stratified social hypocrisy and management. A city made of "in house" and "out." A city where public space is no man's land. A land of no good to park cars, garbage bins, for the things you do not keep at home.
A city consists of a communal society and passive, a city full of people conformist, approved and silent, a city of old and people born old. A city where people want to see her as much as possible for approved and perhaps the fear of inability to know to run their own originality. Here, if you're different, but only just a little, you're "crazy" and "eccentric", was also not put the tie. A city where everyone is so-so.
A city made, broadly, the same buildings that are located on the outskirts of Soviet cities that we think without horror realize that we live in it. A city made of concrete but in the periphery of invasive scale of the territory. A city of poor people of resources, such as may, will make its world obviously bad, facendoselo pleasure.
Palermo is now a sort of large slums / shanty towns, but of cement concrete with lifts and the smell of dampness and mold, cement and plaster falling.
A city dirty and ugly, like an old maid, puts on makeup to appear, then the powder and paints her eyebrows. And you see around.
A city of people gathered, piled, who firmly believes in its own defined by nobilitas an important and constant phenomenon of mutual satisfaction and generational general.
A city of people yelling when he speaks, people talk about the raucous, vulgar and aggressive. Of people who want to see her aggressive and speaks in dialect. A dialect from the aggressive tone, per se, a language, in fact, aggressive. The first things you learn as children in public schools are aggressive phrases, phrases of a vulgar and disruptive aggression of a paradoxical if not spectacular, and which, interpreted, allow you to find the origins of a company, and lived at the scale of decades allow us to understand where this company and this city are now. Probably this aggression
shown through the language he uses is the same as the organized crime, better known as the Mafia, is probably the same for emulation, it is the manner and language.
A chaotic city of anarchy and uncivilized without respect. A society and a city that does not have the characteristics of a variety of different companies. A city of "poor" and "rich", this is limited and basic criterion of social differentiation. But in this place and in this society where poverty is a poverty without any dignity, what is the supposed "wealth"? What actually are "rich" who, here, passing through them.
I am to mind a joke that a friend and fellow architect, also said Iranian ten or more years ago: "I move to California," said Oh, good heavens, why? - answered because there is no culture here in Palermo and economy and is an architect can work there (he graduated recently too) .- And I asked him to start, and a fairly lucrative trade in his city ..... I said exactly this: I go away because I can do business anywhere in the future, then I would not want my son asked me "dad .. because you were so fool to leave Iran to stay in Palermo ?"....
is a city that pretends calling card number "grandeur" historicized and Polyphemus the now legendary: the tourists are taken around the definition of "Conca d'oro", the stories of Arab Palermo always denied and a arabitudine that however is generally associated with a disparaging tone and ruling by the inhabitants. When it comes to Los Angeles, Dubai or other similar cities is not associated with the concept of "walk" to "take a walk" and I wonder, what exactly is the added value of making "two steps" in any the road to Palermo? I wonder because frankly I find it hard to do it and propose it.
Why do not I can think of nothing more than background noise, dirt everywhere and the most varied types, smells, absolute disorder in all things and in short, not because I can think while moving in public space are right in that no man's land that no one hears or perceives as his own, that no one respects and care and in which no one recognizes. The color of this no man's land is gray dirt and dust. The streets are gray, gray are the facades of buildings, cars are always dirty gray, gray are the faces of people, dirty gray are the signs of the shops, the horizon is gray cement and iron, which closes the horizon on the sea of this city.
Palermo is a city without limits, then without perspective, this statement may have a double meaning, rhetorical or real. Yes, because Palermo is a city on the sea which has always denied the sea, in fact the entire coast from the outskirts of Palermo at the end of the city is forbidden or inaccessible, hidden or unpleasant environment for the level of corruption all too evident. In Palermo, where they want to dispose of a thing is said to "throw overboard": here the sea is the landfill, the synthesis and the mother of all no man's land.
So the sea along the coastline, the coast, also known as "water front" in a phrase that both international and makes appeals to architects and planners to suggest appropriate strategies for the city to places with a different experience and consideration the common good and the relationship with public spaces. Of course, "Water Front" is a word that sounds good, well that is rolled between the tongue and palate, but the reality of things here there is only the "Front".
This front, the coast in fact, a physical barrier is present almost everywhere by the sea. Gates, walls, piles of rubble, garbage dumps and sewers. The port is armored and militarized, the military ask you if you go where you go. Maybe you can and maybe you can not get to "see" the ships ..... however there are soldiers and bored with their weapons of war that we scrutinize turning his head as if I were a cigarette smuggler.
This front, the coast in fact, a physical barrier is present almost everywhere by the sea. Gates, walls, piles of rubble, garbage dumps and sewers. The port is armored and militarized, the military ask you if you go where you go. Maybe you can and maybe you can not get to "see" the ships ..... however there are soldiers and bored with their weapons of war that we scrutinize turning his head as if I were a cigarette smuggler.
But then because there are soldiers with machine guns at the port? Ah, yes! I remember now! Bin Laden, bombings, terrorism, harbor the same strategic goal .... but then why there are soldiers guarding the port of Lipari Island or Female? because they are strategic objectives of terrorism, someone will answer ... but even there in the summer there is a lot of people! The truth is that Palermo, despite the great arias from choirs around the proposed institutional, is a provincial town where the most of the bombs if the Sicilians put yourself together to settle their accounts. Bin Laden, if he wants to make noise, make a bomb or Barcelona Rabat, Algiers or Tunis, perhaps in Rome, and if you ask why does a bell'attentato in Palermo, perhaps even the port, sends you to hell. Perhaps to internationalize, paradoxically serve a bell'attentato by international terrorism, the serious one of course .... great stuff ...... but it will not (fortunatamente. ...... - I write because there will always be stupid when you read the text might accuse me of anything -).
The attack will be there because I believe that the image of Sicily abroad is closely linked to the cannoli, and their size, rather than other things of strategic interest, recently there was also a sort of urban-country festival centered on a competition which celebrates those who could eat cannoli. We do not need to defend the borders with weapons, just politics and the local approach to anything to discourage the invasions and attacks.
The port is great, almost like the whole city. Vacuum, industrial, inaccessible and daunting. Foreclosure, rather than exclusive. Queata city noise, noise, dust, urban motorways and barriers everywhere. Muri undone, unmade roads, windows broken, blind street in an urban labyrinth where the rounds, it seems to be in a video game, because in the video game look and look for the "enemy", what you have in front, and on the micro-battle face, not ever raise his eyes to look around. Also, precisely because there is nothing to look around.
Anywhere in the city are always and only surrounded by walls and buildings and when you get there are limits to the gates before the sea. No horizon.
Frankly Palermo is a city ugly, dirty and sad and I find it hard to invite someone to come here to seek the welfare conditions. Conversely it is easy to characterize precisely all that discomfort. I do not write this for pessimism and depressed mood, but awareness of the local reality and do not: in any urban location, metropolitan, provincial or isolated, there are pros and cons to the choice of living in a context. The city of Palermo offers no benefit to me to find and they fall in the equilibrium conditions a contemporary metropolis.
Perhaps for the simple fact that Palermo is not the metropolis "Mediterranean" which is touted by the institutions, but a messy and chaotic urban area, run to the daily lives and personalities, as the workshop of the angle of the road. And it is evident to everyone the difference between the shop and a mall. I do not take this the topic of cultural and related to their condition that should be a contemporary city because we would go into a territory with no hope and no real evidence which had not drawn on maps. In fact, Hic Sunt Leones *.
images that represent my review of the photographs are, and because the photographs have a connotation of objectivity, they say, in principle, as it is. Were carried out between 2002 and 2004 during the documentary for the French publisher "Actes Sud" and "La Repubblica". Most of them I have made with a specific awareness and in particular social-weather: in fact been carried out only on Sundays, between 12 and three in the afternoon, during and at day time, but flat gray and bright usually with high clouds and without shadows. On Sunday, at certain times the apparent lack of dynamism and degree of vegetative survival of this social organism that is the city of Palermo, a city, despite everything. In this condition, as it turns out that part of town that is a public good, and therefore any public area broadly, will turn into reality in a state "border-line" border populated by stray dogs (big ones, but usually harmless ) and wandering, some crazy, Jehovah's Witnesses in pairs and their folders, other characters, as they say the snails, "come out when it rains." However
recommend visiting Palermo on the night, the rampant ugliness, dirt-invasive, are less obvious.
* Hic sunt leones is a Latin phrase that translates as "Q ui there are lions" . Was often marked on maps drawn by the African Middle Ages to the sixteenth century to describe the unknown and possibly hostile territories.
Sample Welcom Address To Baby Shower
Here, as on Mars , no life. (2 / 2)
Palermo, portrait of a city without limits - Images-
Palermo, a city whitout horizon: portrait - Pictures -

Beach fenced (in Palermo used like this)
Venerable (plague)
(business - there are around most of the flies in the spring -)

Oreto River (Sewer)
a nice area of \u200b\u200bthe City
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