Typically, one below, is a scene that represents the classic relationship between a professor, "Professor" of a any Italian university and the assistant compliant.

know at least half a dozen of these stories and I have seen - really in disbelief - to something very similar at the Faculty of Architecture in Palermo around 1995. I remember perfectly well that a meeting (we were called "revisions") with a known horny professor gaze absolutely manic and embarrassing even for a sheep that walked wall-wall, came a girl, a little wink and tracagnotta pig, and truccatissima with big tits in full view in a dress all red from head to feet, including shoes and ribbon in her hair ... it was May, and then it was hot.
I swear, I realize that we do not believe, but I swear that girl has entered the office of prof. after me ... The look and physique du rĂ´le of the guy in the image correspond to what I'm talking about.
I do not think having in mind to follow an academic career, certainly I will make it.
On the other hand as I remember to have seen and heard the level was comparable to the squalor of the situation in context. And that remains, in a context in which, after all, the fondling of the girl is the most understandable and human.
In this case, at most, says a friend is a French 'histoire de cul .
The problem is that the Italian system, of which the University is only one expression, is essentially based on histoires de CULS.
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