Sunday, November 29, 2009

2010 Best Climbing Harness

Piazza Armerina: feminist women or men with no arguments? ...

known these days with some disappointment (mixed in some ways a quid of fun) that a particular category of male gender when know how to answer (correct or not) considerations of a woman's accusation of feminism. There would be nothing to wonder if it was not that I grew up in a family where men have always respected the dignity of women and contributed to my tendency to want to say as a person and achieve my autonomy and independence. However, once again, I realize how different the world is, how little real man worthy of this name circulate at all latitudes, of how ominicchi are accustomed to hide their mediocrity and pettiness behind the screen of the alleged feminism return.
Well, dear female piazzese (do not use the term "female" on the case) back to "do the sock" (I quote an excerpt taken from an explicitly interventions more enlightened a person likely to graduate) ... if you agree with the choice of blue lines is not because the city is more orderly and less chaotic, but because you are a friend of the powers that be ... if you consider the disgraceful conduct of a prime minister who uses his position in order to subdue the cancellation of his legal problems with sneaky ad hoc unconstitutional and unreasonable is because you are biased and down with references to your relatives, etc ... if you write on the topic of why men go with the trans here is flown down insults on a personal level, etc ... but the end result is always the same, every intervention of mysterious lights and quasi-anonymous professional mistreated misogynist ends with the pithy statement: "You feminists are all the same .. .

I would reply: "Oh yes, Dr. Lawyers, we liberated women are all the same: our dignity is sacred and we understand to the end that is all too easy to respond to a woman who does not think like you dismissing it with jokes on the reactionary and medieval-its supposed feminism ... "

But I prefer not to retaliate. After all, everyone has friends it deserves. And I do not have the habit of interacting with those who frequented by politicians and strategists dark bar ...

PS if the definition of feminism is "the conviction that biological sex should not be a factor in pre -factor shaping the social identity or socio-political or economic rights of the person "...
enough ... Article go to re-read. 3 of our Constitution to declare all (men or women does not matter) feminist ...
Article 3 of the Constitution
All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the actual participation of all workers in the political, economic and social country.
What can I say? Thank goodness that the Framers were not misogynistic ...


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