Today I will tell you a story. A modern history from the ancient taste, but I am sure you back to many centuries ago ... Starts in Eritrea, a beautiful land, from the greek Erythros which means "red" like the sea which it overlooks.
You should know that a dictatorship exists in Eritrea among the worst in the world. The violent anti-democratic and repressive policies implemented by the Eritrean government primarily affect the population in a country now reduced to terror, in which the presumption of an idea alone can cost the imprisonment, torture, mutilation or death. A country in which they are systematically violated human and civil rights and where the population is constantly harassed.
It 's a country where freedom of worship is forbidden to minority religions and thousands of Orthodox Christians, Evangelical Christians, Muslims and other religious groups are persecuted and imprisoned for acts of formalization without charge and without trial in inhumane conditions .
Since 2000, countless illegal landings Eritrean nationals on the Italian coast. They run their own lives at risk by a human and political situation of repression and the blocking of productive activities sacrificed to the total militarization of paese.Il military service, in fact, is compulsory in Eritrea for an indefinite period. The high school students are forced to attend the last school year at the military training camps. The military service is held in conditions of extreme hardship and unprecedented violence, especially against young female recruits are often subject to rape by their superiors in rank.
To escape this situation, thousands of Eritreans were forced to flee their country trying to reach Italian coasts.
Even Yohanes Terhas and arrived in Italy in ways that only desperation can bring to bear. Many of their fellow passengers died at sea in the desert, in the Libyan or Tunisian prisons because the rejections often violate human rights and be brought back for many means sign your own death sentence.
Yohanes and Terhas are young and have more responsibility '. A child must be born and they do not want to be born in a country where there is no freedom. E 'for him to climb on a boat. Refugees among the refugees, desperate among the desperate. E 'in September 2009 and the boat packed of suffering humanity, in the icy waters of the Strait of Sicily sinks. Many do not make it and Yohanes and Terhas do is to just hold onto the remains of the boat waiting for someone to come to the rescue. In the long hours on the water the only thought is for the baby that Terhas in her womb. If you save, if they can get on the Sicilian coast, where the baby will survive and will call it a male Musie, Mose ', saved from the waters ... And someone help arrives and tends them a hand and many other hands will tend to accept them in Sicily.
's so arriving at the reception center of Brolo Sant'Angelo in Messina. And 'here are refreshed, cared for, it is here that tell of what they have suffered, this is where their life crosses that of a young doctor who has a beautiful name: Angela. And 'the young doctor who takes care of them and the small Musie, born in Italy, hospital Patti, October 19, and Angela, who calls his family to inform them that will lead to the small little family, Piazza Armerina and it is always Angela, supported by his wonderful family, who will work to Yohanes, a small but cozy house, and it is Angela who will take care of all their documents, arrived as if by magic in a very short time.
I was there with my daughter and many friends December 7th to welcome Yohanes, and Terhas Musie in their new home at Piazza Armerina. And it was a wonderful party. They do not speak Italian but love, you know, knows no borders or language. It 'was a moment of great emotion, a true gift of Christmas. In that small house everyone has got something. There have been small and Yohanes with Terhas Musie to receive something from us but we have from them a great gift which is called happiness and that we often forget ...
I've told this story because this too can be a way to thank Angela, his extraordinary family and many friends who wanted to contribute generously to support this new family arrived here from a distant land. I wanted to tell this story because I strongly believe that a little Jesus' Child has arrived in our city ... I wanted to tell this story because in a world where the "other" makes us fear the smile of Yohanes, Terhas Musie and reminds us that there are "other" and "different" but we are all refugees on this earth that is all. I want to say one last thing if you still have some doubts. Yohanes in Eritrea was a carpenter by trade ....
I've told this story because this too can be a way to thank Angela, his extraordinary family and many friends who wanted to contribute generously to support this new family arrived here from a distant land. I wanted to tell this story because I strongly believe that a little Jesus' Child has arrived in our city ... I wanted to tell this story because in a world where the "other" makes us fear the smile of Yohanes, Terhas Musie and reminds us that there are "other" and "different" but we are all refugees on this earth that is all. I want to say one last thing if you still have some doubts. Yohanes in Eritrea was a carpenter by trade ....
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