The Swiss referendum that prohibits the construction of minarets expresses, in the opinion of many, primarily fear. But fear of what, given that the minaret - next of kin of our steeple - is nothing but a means of spreading the religious message and call to prayer? Prayer and call to arms. In Italy, the League welcomes the outcome of the referendum and some joker (the Deputy Minister Roberto Castelli) is proposed to include the crucifix in our tricolor (Ezio Greggio would say: "'I know guys'). Clear: the minaret and the Cross are religious symbols and are aimed at those who belong al'una or the other religion. It is not about power tools or means of war (although there are those who makes such use) and it is only in part, manifestations of a cultural tradition. If svilissimo witness to our faith to mere expressions of our tradition or our own historical identity, we would do wrong to all those who truly believe in those signs. Who wants to appropriate the symbols remember that the man who was posted to the cross was saying "I recognize how you love" (Jn 13:35) and not those who have hung crucifixes. Attention, therefore, to build on the crucifix or, conversely, the minaret, the story of a civilization and its institutionalization. If this can help to strengthen a culture and give meaning to the public, may also lead to a kind of secularization of the deeper meaning of his inspiration of faith. This would lead to the exact opposite of what we propose: a kind of worldliness, with pretensions to hegemony or trends in victimization, the same religious experience.
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