Today's news that Vendola that would open the possibility of a sort of undefined "third pole of the enlarged coalition to defeat Berlusconi", should make the hair stand on end in the head and begin to make all think, to those who do the job for political commentators, that now is the money to sing de profundis our democratic system.
Let the facts.
Nichi Vendola proposes to create an alliance, the largest possible numbers, to beat Berlusconi, create a transitional government that a number of those two or three essential laws, and then go and vote with new safeguards. What makes you think that the secretary of the SEL such a thing can be done?
Answer: the inflow, lateral and civil society in the events of the last group, especially that last Sunday, which saw thousands of women protest against the barbaric and that the instrumental use of women in Italy is (and here would be good to remember that mr. B. is only one side of this coin repulsive).
But there are a number of aspects to consider, first of all that, Berlusconi has not fallen and we can not hope to topple him by parliament, at least for now.
The parliament is locked, no longer produce more by December, the parliamentary literally warm the benches, but the government lives up the three or four votes to scrap that ensure perpetual peace.
The event on Sunday was definitely a breath of fresh air, a earthquake necessary to return to hope to live in a civilized country and not a banana republic where commands a kind of demented Sun King and parchment, but by itself does nothing to change the state of things.
The truth, whether we like it or not to accept, is that politics is made by the parties and that in twenty years these individuals are no longer representative of anything or anyone outside of themselves.
The very fact that a prominent politician of great value and which is Vendola, could enter the parliamentary debate and propose a coalition agreement in a parliament that does not sit and be able to propose not only to join a party of the left and a party that largely former members of the Social Movement, may appoint the interim leader of this new group (Rosy Bindi) and in all this, most political commentators assess the possibility of this fact, is the litmus test of a democracy is now in disarray.
policy now exists only on the basis of his nemesis, but is unable to even construct a coherent thought about this fight. No one is hiding behind
amarcord partisan! Politicians who, before this ideological and political collapse, calling the partisan struggles as a paradigm for a way to unite against a common enemy towards a new ideal, would do a disservice to history and to the young Italian who died in the mountains for our freedom.
The partisan struggle was not made in parliament, but with guns from house to house, if there were possibilities MPs there would be a struggle even for the simple reason that there would be that of Fascism and then we'd be talking about?
In parliament, the Communists and the Christian Democrats, liberals and socialists, united not only in ever phase of the constitution that gave us the constitution, but today we are at this historic moment.
Today we are on the premise that there has been no ideals to defend, now former fascists can easily make a coalition with the former Christian Democrats and former Communists only because no one has ideals, visions and values \u200b\u200badvocate, if not a vulgar enslavement with two true great powers of Italy: Confindustria and the Church.
Berlusconi knows this and this double subjugation, on the one hand, and the great weakness of the other competitors had built his fortune and electoral politics.
The left says it wants to do everything possible to save Italy from Berlusconi should make the effort to ask what is berlusconizzata itself, the "new right of people" Fini does not make even the effort of asking this question, since no has ever made such a request in twenty years of total subservience to the wishes of the King of Arcore.
Today we are all desperately seeking a leader who will save us from Berlusconi and me, it seems that ours is the search for Berlusconi Left (just a bit 'more acceptable), but now, seeing the things the left does not need to say more, we wink at people like Pier Casini, who has spent his career trying to destroy the civil liberties that we have gained the price of struggles, those are epic, sixties and seventies.
Or seek the support of Gianfranco Fini, one that is determined to say that perhaps there was a playground Auschwitz only in 2003 with those 48 years away.
I'm told, "but civil society is already cross."
course it is, as we all are united in anti Berlusconi, but then what? For too
policy Berlusconi is all tuned up and its absurdities, may not be able to do without him even when he thinks of high ideals?
We explain the gentlemen of the left (if there is still) what about the great ideals of internationalism and solidarity that moved whole populations. There remained only
quell'elenchino to young marmot that Bersani shyly read in the presence of Fazio and Saviano few months ago?
"I left because I believe that if my neighbor is fine I'm fine too" this is not a slogan of a party of the Left, is the slogan of vacuum cleaner that does not make noise.
When I entered the FGC in the 90s there was no talk so.
They talked about struggles against capitalism, the slogan was rather "are common because if a boss wants my freedom I must be able to throw down by hook or by crook!"
There was talk of ideals of a different world, that world we went to defend in Genoa in 2001, left the charity that is not a good heart is all full of 'NGOs in turn, the left was the one who said he needed to support the revolution because the revolution with a self-determining people with annihilates charity ... by the way, what do you think of North Africa?
Today I see only the pieces of my left, one in which I believed.
Maybe they are fragments that will be good for the elections, but please do not tell me more bale of the new policy and new ideas.
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