aftermath of the Revolution of Tunisia, a signature of the authoritative Sole24ore wrote: " there is no possibility that the Tunisian side facing the school and take root in Egypt . Double
lack of vision.
Guilty of superficiality our journalist was yesterday, following the escape of Mubarak, his mea culpa on Radio Popolare.
There are at least two aspects that we have to reflect and blowing unavoidable Square Tahrir return.
The first is part of a geopolitical crisis, called for leaving the historical stage of the collapse of the Soviet Empire 1989 - 1992, the second on the new map of relationships between the EU and especially the Mediterranean triad (Italy, Spain and France) is expected on the chessboard to set the new situation.
As regards the former, as it now seems clear to all, the United States, shrunken by a moral and economic crisis even as the '29, no longer able to weigh on third countries the strength of their power economic and military, Obama with his words to the young people of Tahrir Square has launched a new phase of relations with the Arab world, as many journalists have written easy come, at most, has established a state of affairs in America now (and eternal ally of Israel) can not but take note:
1. I put dictators to rule the Arab countries of Africa have irreparably, some more than others, had their day and the attempt by some to hand power to family members has failed for the lack of people now exhausted, turn to see its been a monarchy.
2. The crisis, the prime mover of the riots, hit America in its economic relations with all countries subordinates. The entire American economic strength right now is focused on "salvage at home" After years in which the aggressive policies of Bush and his Middle East made the U.S. lose control over the south of the continent which was defined as "the backyard" of the colossus of the north. To date, no one would support the government's ill-considered solutions (of any color with good peace of Republican hard-liners) in defense of this or that dictator, and this forces the U.S. to assume a new stationery, and in some ways unprecedented, historic role.
3. In the background is the great interest in China over the area. Beijing in recent years is doing a roaring trade in the countries of central and southern Africa and can not wait to grab slices of juicy tart North Africa. Throughout the directed by the Chinese government has not come even a word, on the other hand an old proverb attributed to Confucius states, "The children are no facts like butterflies without wings."
4. Another guest of stone is Russia, whose role in the arena is not at all changed since the Soviet Union, indeed has been strengthened since the sinking of the rhetoric of the conflict between communism and democracy, now that the insurgency is slowly moving in Algeria (with its pipelines that serve half of Europe) Russia has nothing to gain. Medvevev knows so well Putin. Another huge player moves to the south of the small Mediterranean. Tightening the focus
the only basin Mere Nostrum, also the situation gets hot, especially for us, especially in light of what is happening in Italy for some months now.
Let's step back. Whether we like it or not, the problem of migration is a bomb ready to destabilize entire regions of the world especially in times of crisis like those.
far, in fact, migratory flows were regulated by the registrars of agreements with European countries more or less masked by the dictatorial governments of the Maghreb.
With these agreements the ports of departure of the ships were all illegal immigrants in particular Benghazi on the Libyan coast and Aghadir (indelible memory in the minds of many migrants).
agreements between folk and wicked Berusconi and Gaddafi had also meant that those ports now part of creating a few boats on the calm shores of Italy and Spain. Today
the fall of Ben Ali opens door much more attractive to human traffickers for the extreme proximity to the Italian coast (Sfax is just a few miles from Lampedusa). Tunisia is becoming a destination for an unstoppable flow of refugees from across sub-Saharan area. The billions and
prebends data to date to Gaddafi will not serve any more. Furthermore, if the revolt of the small overflow in Tunisia Algeria mammoth (as the voices of yesterday and today seem to confirm) for Southern European countries would not be absolutely possible to maintain the impact and, to date, I do not consider plausible a support of France and Germany, the first for its colonial past and its present embarrassing (yet another fool of the French government gave a probably fatal blow to Sarkozy) and the second for his new attitude eurobilanciato neo-protectionism.
Europe, and especially the Mediterranean area, do not know and can not hold the weight of the biblical flood of refugees and this is likely to increase social tensions already present and to stir up the already high visibility of certain far-right parties such as the xenophobic Northern League. On the other hand
Maroni and the league knows that the flip side exists and could potentially be destructive to them, when our Minister of the Interior roam Europe saying that you had to be "bad with the immigrants" to do so could be a strong part of the bribes given to Libya (real traffic control) and from 'that other place the problem as it was until a few weeks ago was absolutely limited.
Events of historical significance as they are today inevitably shuffled the cards, leaving this pseudo rhetoric - Nazi (but in fact deeply inciuciara) to the post. The day before yesterday an unprecedented
Bobo - snack - Maroni spoke of "humanitarian catastrophe", it seemed incredible that it was the same one that had left some time ago a shipload of refugees to float between countries to the cry of "not welcome ever more clandestine."
The reality is that, no matter how genetically disadvantaged and hopelessly myopic, Maroni can not understand that this time can not get away with his usual rhetoric of Superman and that no European country will be willing to come to our bedside.
addition, Italy is now blocked by a short circuit of institutions in addition to making our politicians who can not read the long time of history (as I am concerned to defend themselves from their filth) has stopped any legislative process, Parliament has passed only one Law in a year and this stalemate shows no signs of slowing down.
doing so we risk drowning in the same Mediterranean of which we were once hegemonic
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