It tells the story, a short walk from here, after years of dictatorship that had been given almost for granted now the southern Mediterranean is shaken from its torpor, and he rails against the power.
There will be time for political considerations and history, especially about what is happening in Libya. There will be time.
Now there are children, thousands, tens of thousands of young people who decide the fate and life in a bet that, if all goes well is to freedom and life is death if it goes wrong. Gaddafi gave no
not spring after an oceanic speech, defined by Arab commentators of AlJazeera as "dazed and delirious A rant that lasted an hour and a half " he says flatly that kill everyone, and after he "revealed" an American plot to the drugging of young people and encourage them to revolt close to crowning the head of the revolution but do not own the Revolution itself.
the content of the almost delirious Gaddafi-style threat is clear. Do not give up and are willing to slay all those before me parry.
So far the record, but the record is done by many means.
After the intoxication of war filmed the minute, lie for lie, as an action movie with Quentin Tarantino, the revolt of the Mediterranean has brought to light a truth that should give us pause.
This war was not followed step by step, just the journalists were expelled from the country or put in a position to do no harm.
The war can be the master of the film until you turn it leave it or you're out, off line.
Printing is paralyzed waiting for some bit of information by AlJazeera or Al Arabia.
As has become the old press, worth some television journalists who cling to any "expert" for a few minutes on the air, waiting for the declaration of the policy shift, more often unlistenable.
What a bore these idiots in suits who do not know what to say when they pull out more Al Qaeda and Bin Laden, or even in the absence of that, Iran (ignoring that Iran is Shiite and Sunni LIBL)
Yesterday I felt yet another wig of RAI News 24 said that they could not have definite information, that it was difficult to know what was going on, the regime had cut phone lines and networking.
At the same time that we had talked about the news that he desperately wanted.
We came from twitter, because communications are never really jump because the boys continued to use satellite networks to triangulate with Egypt and bringing the news.
The handle broke the news of the bombing with hours of delay (of culpable delay) and with the same culprit behind the diplomats made their pantomime outrage.
Yesterday I spent the whole day on twitter and the blog of the boys told the network that second by second what was going on in the slaughterhouse of Tripoli, and I think it's fair to mention them all. Today my
Efforts have been added those of Gaia, I do not know, but following one of my pages and that has put his knowledge of Arabic at the service of our history. Especially
Thank Gaia for giving me the phrase solar and full of hope in recent days. The
carry just as I came first to speak of Twitters that talk about the protest and help us to understand.
Through the voice of their tweets and their blog. Gaia
" The thing that made me tenderness is that they use emoticons like us, kind with a smile, or smiley weird, and I thought: Wow, these are three-hour flight from us, that is, a stone's throw away, boys are like us, and are enduring an incredible dignity war carried out by that crazy, and react, and still find time to do irony ...
But we are now no longer know how to rebel against anything ..... I respect them so much I
Born with dignity, bear their nonsense coming from our information, but bear laugh. Twitter
The more active you sign with the acronym ChangeInLibya a few days ago he lost a relative killed in Tripoli and Tweet a few miles away.
writes " Gaddafi is playing his last card, violence, and violence, yet violence . Or
" Out I'm going to pray, if you believe in God, pray for the Libyan people "
But also, with great courage and humor," Gaddafi change the glasses in front of you can not be serious even the cameraman "
other tone but still very funny is that Marwame Tweet in English and tells us during the live speech:
" My God, I have never seen my mother laugh so hard "
and a few minutes ago:
"My father I asked where the drugs hidden and where the American who gave it to me "
In Arabic are the tweet ShababLibya Libyan youth movement, much on the tone and angry, many people have seen friends lose their lives or be injured.
tells of deaths on the streets, bombed out, but during the conversation stops to reflect:
يا شباب ليبيا لا تسمعوا لهذا المجنون ارجوكم الله ينصركم انه مخبول رسميا
" Guys, Libya does not have to listen to this crazy, God help you mad ... "and yet
" We are worried, not because we feel defeated but because we know that Gaddafi will kill again. " Many other
tweet pass before the eyes of our Arabic translator some hallucinatory
لقذافي اعطى الضوء الاخضر لبدء المذبحة ضد شعبه ووطنه واهله وناسه
"Gaddafi has given the green light to start the massacre against the people and his country and its people ". Other
tweet they pick the horrendous performance of the dictator
Lawer_saleh says
القذافي Contribute to an active role to educate the world where rhetoric included the history and literature, and health and systems.
Cioé: Gheddafi contribuisce in modo attivo ad educare il mondo con un discorso sulla storia, la letteratura, la salute ei [massimi] sistemi.
I post si moltiplicano davanti allo schermo e non è facile seguire tutti.
Noi andiamo avanti con una certezza, il popolo si autodetermina e si libera, viva il popolo che ha il coraggio to put himself into play.
always hoped that the news tell us that they support the Italian mercenaries military Gaddafi's not true.
I do not believe in a God but if I believed I too pray for them ...
close with the last tweet ChangeInLibya, responding to my direct message: "Italian people are on the side of the Libyan people" and dedicated the answer to each of the friends on twitter on facebook or anywhere else to follow our hope Chronicles: "Best thing I heard so far now 'The Italian people are on the side of the Libyan people' thank you '
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