My grandmother always told me, the typical obsession with respectable old ladies, "Look, if you tell lies before or after all and then discover you do not believe any more"
As a child my white lies, once discovered, provoked the most of the reprimands of her mother and some smack.
Silvio Berlusconi, unfortunately for our nation no longer has his mother and, given the age, not even his grandmother.
Certainly his lies are not just stuff, now there are years that propina the left and right, nor can we think that a spanking is enough to make him desist well established. In the midst of riots
Libyan, while still not clear who is the leader of this revolt swift and devastating, it seems, to expert eyes of some Arab observers far from spontaneous and has the background contrasts between the two Eastern bourgeoisie, linked to relations with Egypt and the West (those of Gaddafi clan), one thing is certain: Berlusconi has broken yet another hoax like a soap bubble.
Rome August 30, 2010
It was concluded the meeting between Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Libyan leader Gaddafi Mohammar. The interview, which took place in the Bedouin tent of the Colonel, staged in the gardens of the residence of the Libyan in Italy, lasted about half an hour.
Before the meeting with the President of the Council's Muammar Gaddafi was time to give a second lesson of the Koran to two hundred other girls. Four buses arrived at the Academy, the Muslim candidates have issued statements, probably because of the controversy caused yesterday by their "colleagues". Present, complete with a veil, even the three girls convertitesi Islam yesterday. In the evening, the Prime Minister will offer the Iftar, a meal that traditionally concludes Ramadan, about eight hundred guests. Before dinner, however, will be performed at the Tor di Quinto 27 Berber horses that have accompanied the colonel in Rome, an exhibition at the police station Salvo D'Acquisto (Time - daily newspaper of the Roman right)
Many smiled a lot others, including myself, took over as the drama kitsch was the lowest point in the history of foreign relations of our country.
Gaddafi was a dictator in effect, required for many years his reign in style to the old Bedouin population, controlled radio, newspapers, television and all activities financed by a network of family relationships that branched out from all the children ' intricate system of relationships typical of rais Arab.
No European head of state would have met with President Gaddafi lightly, the impact on public opinion would have been too many and too blatant.
Berlusconi in his megalomania and his ignorance of any concept of international politics, not only made him put his tent in Rome but also allowed the former leader to lecture on the Koran to convert to 400 specially selected young girls already (not for their qualities of modesty and religious devotion), with promises of fabulous opportunities in Libya. All dressed
carousel horses from Arabs, Amazon and walks in central Rome with a retinue of armed guards and scary leccaculo different. At the end of the painful
spettacolino Colonel went back to Libya and the Knight to mind his own business, twenty-year tradition of the premier.
The dances were always shiny and should be closed by the Franco Frattini (which will be remembered as the Foreign Minister that there is never just says stupid things and when there): For the Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, " talks went well and there was also talk of how the crisis " (Il Sole 24 Ore August 30, 2010) .
Italy relies on Libya to end the crisis? Consoling.
Then as usual the facts are news in Italy for the short span of only a few days, newspapers are not like the idea that the deepening of the readers and do so in order to embark on another, so that here the news " filthy "mica we lack.
do not know whether the psychiatric problems of our Premier's have made it clear that the fall of Tunis and Cairo could be the harbinger of trouble for him. But probably, if it's remained a shred of conscience, and it may have always read the papers in the last six weeks (we refer not orgasm, the Hours and Playboy as we are certain that those Arcore never be lacking), should be quite worried about a possible civil war in Libya and even worse now provabilissimo a reversal of power.
Last night, Saif al-Islam, son of the Colonel, in a desperate attempt to make the world believe that the revolt was a movement of people in support of the father, who already was given the run from all the Arabic, so he turned to the crowd on television: "We will continue to fight to the last man, even the last woman ... We will not leave Libya to the Italians or Turks "
squirm at the MFA? Sarebe appropriate.
always accepted that in these hours of horde Frattini is in place and not to ski, as the government fell when Ben Ali and 5000 refugees arriving in Lampedusa, the Minister should explain to the Italians why we are compared to the invaders as Until yesterday we were told the galactic dance that the Libyans were our friends and all the piles of money that we have to do with migrants from the barges were a "compensation to establish the new state of relations between the two countries "
is obvious that Saif al-Islam wants to ride the tiger of hate that all Libyans learn as children to school against the Italians, but with Berlusconi should explain who is going to do business and how he handled this game.
Since he is the ghe ... I think the right man at the right place, or genius, as it was years ago in these parts, the Bausch (ie what you drooling on him), we should explain what the hell are served all these absurdities that we have done in the world two very bad figures: the first in terms of international relations, Der Spiegel wrote in a commentary in the margins of the visit of Colonel Agostini Rome "Once the relationship is played on the axis of Italy Rome - Paris - Berlin today is based on Rome - Tripoli - Minsk (capital of Belarus headed by Alexander Lukashenko called Europe's last dictator and that his re-election has been all over the world one phone call of congratulations to Mr Berlusconi has also claimed to be was the first) "The second
in terms of relations with Mediterranean countries, as we passed the idea that you could use the threat of refugees to obtain money and investment in the Maghreb countries. These
here in international politics are called critical nodes of long-term, translated to mean the people, have made moves that have created the mess that you do not manage to heal so easily and affect the stability of an entire region.
Obviously Bausch no representations, at least we hope, because if he did, and had his usual nonsense would be even worse.
But we continue to ask ourselves how long we should be ashamed of this walking joke that is our government.
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