" Coward, that's condoning of crime "so the friendly and always lovable Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa Maria Benito (full name of baptism, which tends to be good policy not to advertise for obvious reasons), apostrophes televised last night, the young student from the University La Sapienza of Rome because of non- have made it clear that repudiated the violence in the streets.
heats the Minister of Defence, is the big voice.
" Like those who take A club just to say you poor things, whereas (sic) to go against those guys who defend the freedom and independence (by whom? Ed) of the country ... no, no there is not a cop here "
The script is clear, all the protesters are violent people who are not violent and is not manifested at the demonstrators, so by the government. On the other hand
jet is to respond to the Minister that, thanks to conceal for him, there is not even a policeman there, because those who until now I felt I would like to kick him in the ass because they are getting worse and that his government has also cut the overtime pay (mandatory) which will be paid in a future year, which means when we have a bit 'of money and it is not just so people who risks his skin to allow these clowns continue making fool us around the world. However, it must
La Russa said that talks on an informed basis and that the riots knows something even he knows so much, only that they have lived on the opposite side of those who now wants to defend.
The following story is unbelievable, because such things can happen only in Italy and above all because nobody seems to care at all. The good
Ignatius, with his younger brother Romano, youngster made his political apprenticeship in the face of youth, the youth movement of the then venerable MSI (of which his father Anthony was a senator) and who did so much for Italy for terrorism and not just black.
Back in 1973, Ignatius small, unrecognizable beneath the flowing black hair and beard, he was provincial secretary in Milan in the group of young hopefuls beams: in itself an easy job even easier noiosetto to think about it: everything is reduced to a few boarded up to sixteen high schools before the Communists, two or all three demolitions 'weapon a month, a bit' of attacchinaggio and political support for the comrades in distress, which translated means shirk the terrorists hiding in the premises and in the basement.
Nothing new in the seventies did it all, even if you were not inside these things were an amoeba, and perhaps that is why the young Ignatius and his friends a bit 'bored and started to do then? In those days of doubt and the little son of starvation Black family does not seem real to know that the great Franco Ciccio (even the names fascists idiots sometimes), leader of the revolt of Reggio Calabria Executioner who spring to the nation that gave him six more needless deaths, was about to come to Milan for a better spring event. The photos show him cheerful and happy next to his "spiritual father" and harangue the crowd on the need to fight communism.
But you know, are the legendary 70s and things are not always as they should go, things might get a little bit of hand to the young minister and the future of the fairy tale soon becomes a tragedy. The rally follows a
unauthorized rally that saw hundreds of people belonging to groups right of confrontation, by the State police tell the following:
" The April 12, 1973 some members of the far right
threw two hand grenades of the type" SRCM "
against a team from the 3rd Division in Milan Swift , causing the death of Antonio Marino
guard and wounded 12 other soldiers, only the presence on the streets of Quaestor
prevented the killing of fellow agent
off a manhunt. Those responsible for such an act are arrested after
little: there are two known members of the extreme environments raises
Milan, Maurizio Murelli and Vittorio Loi respectively 19:21 ann i ".
I could not find the net and nothing in the historical archives (press releases, interviews, open letters, written on the walls ... nothing) about the disapproval of the young Ignatius of this barbarous murder, yes, because if you go in the event with a helmet and a shooting at an officer may have also suspected that you failed to do so deliberately, maybe you were there by chance maybe you get a scooter or you thought that having the best time to cover their heads before thee Fracassini, maybe not so but it is plausible to believe that ... but if someone goes to a rally with two hand grenades in his pocket he does so with a specific intention, but I'm a coward, I would define as good Ignatius, so it's not just good guys who think badly of Blacks.
to think the worst, rather badly, in fact we thought the judiciary, the investigation is extended and begin flocking to the arrests (which at that time there so he turned around) to talk about that this time it's special envoy Francesco Fornari Print:
" Many of those arrested, in fact stem from the" New Order "and" National Vanguard "or were part of the SAM (Mussolini action teams). There are also those of the "Young Front", the youth organization of the MSI. It appears that Murelli Maurizio Loi and Victor have called concerned Ignazio La Russa, the son of Senator MSI Anthony La Russa, who for some months has taken the place of roots and is responsible for the province. These according to the two arrested have actively participated in the demonstration on Thursday and led police assault in two [...] "(La Stampa Sun April 22, 1973)
The investigation continues and a few days after arriving arrest warrants for all the gay boys of the Youth Front
Milan ... " [...] San Vittore ended up accused of sedition and resistance gathered by the police, Romano La Russa, the son of Senator Anthony MSI Russia (and now Deputy Mayor for Protection civil, police and local security - I know it's ridiculous!) [...]. For the same offenses are sought Gaetano La Scala and Christian Rosati Piancastrelli missing for several days and a third character that was not revealed their identity. According to rumors could not be controlled Ignazio La Russa secretary of the Youth Front "
Since then, years have passed and the young fascist hopeful has made a career, although probably in a corner of his black little heart is still space for a hand grenade and although now he rails against the young cowards who take beatings ec'hanno well as the courage to say that they have hurt.
Mind no violence here is not defended, not least because over the years I learned that violence is usually organized a movement to de-legitimize and images of the young Roman boy who was brought down with a blow from the helmet to the face by a guy who immediately makes and receives a I salute here suggest that the infiltration was really heavy.
I'd like to chat with the minister, possibly at a safe distance, with some characters that extremist cowards and you never know, to discuss many things, for example three in the meaning of the word courage in opposition to the word cowardice because it takes quite a lot of courage to make the defender of the police, following a curriculum like this ...
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