"Real students are studying at home," stupid and arrogant response of Silvio Berlusconi when asked what he thought of the student protest in the fight says a lot about him and the attitude his government to the real country.
There is a country called Italy, of which these people have never even felt the need to understand the mechanisms not deep or drives (it would be asking too much) but the obvious discomfort, what each of us can see every day in the faces of the guys that we face.
These people, governments, and now speaks of nothing in the void of one's conscience convinces still have some follow
As if a young researcher was glad not to see any job prospects in his country.
As if a graduate was glad not to have any job prospects outside of a few hundred euro, which can ensure a project contract.
As if it were not harrowing for a family to see their children every day to give up believing in their dreams because there is nothing to believe in and there is nothing that is worth fighting.
Berlusconi is a poor loser, he still wearing his mask, but a winner is a loser.
A force to avoid seeing the world that surrounds and contours of a court of flatterers does not realize that the anger across the country and the fight is growing.
Every day I attend union meetings with increasing participation and where the faces are getting younger and angry, every day, a procession through the streets of Milan, Rome, ... and increasingly see the desire to change, to shake from the deep system that has no words to even read this. Today
of high school students have asked me to go to their school workers (or rather how it was written on the banner in the auditorium " Okkupati ") to discuss the reform of the labor market and the implications this will have on their future.
I'm sorry (so to speak) for Berlusconi but in the end the young no longer satisfied with the "Big Brother" and the reality of plastic that has made us all rich underclass of .
The anger and the fight, sooner or later engulf him and his gang of vultures and someone has already figured out and abandon the ship before you drown.
Now the Grand Master is only authoritarian drift, the army on the streets, but I think he has the courage to implement it seriously for fear of what would follow and then stays there with his slogans stuck to his face, with its paranoia of conspiracy, with its age old quarrels from a little 'manic, which looks at girls in public parks.
Reform Gelmini can pass the House and Senate but will only be one step closer to the abyss in which they are falling.
For us one more step toward a new day of liberation, because April 25 was not only 65 years ago!
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