Organic and associates, contiguous and well distributed.
When it comes to economics and politics in Italy is mainly about these axes ideals.
There are friends and enemies, there are no ideals to defend, there are the people's interests.
There are only the interests of corporate lobbyists who are divided across the social and institutional sectors of the country to secure an absolute continuity despite the movements of politics and history courses and home remedies.
Lobby and potentates, in Italy there are thousands, but in fact without fear of contradiction that I believe are the strongest and most incorruptible 3: Confederation of universe (which also contains the drift of his visions and Merchionne splitting), Catholic University - Business that in Italy and in Europe has one big name, CDO and, last but not least, world of cooperatives, with its three central LegaCoop, Confcoperative, Agci.
Together these three major groups divide is sprawling more than 60% of the wealth produced in Italy as turnover and contribute to 75 percent of national GDP.
Leaving aside the case of Confindustria, which has now been addressed and discussed with great skill by professionals much more famous than I think it's time to talk about the strange movement that is happening in the last 10 years and that most Italians know, even because until now most people have always considered cooperatives one thing left and CL, and its economic arm, which goes by the name of the Company of Works, as a reality of the Catholic Right. Two
really poles apart, so irreconcilable in terms of ends and principles.
The truth is very different and far more complex and goes a long way.
2003, Meeteng Rimini, Agostini event of the Catholic movement founded by Father Giussani, invited to speak on "The resumption of Communion and Liberation," the former chief economist of the DS, Pierluigi Bersani pronunciation of sentences that would have to freeze the blood to all the Italian left, but have now forgotten all:
"If he wants to rebuild the must start from the left background of CL, the true left is not born of Bolshevism, but the cooperatives white 800, came after the Socialist Party, the Communist Party even after the sixty-eight and movements are all dead, only the ideal launched by Cl 70 years is still alive, because it is closer to the popular base, has the same ideal that is the basis of co-operatives, a giving to educate. "
burst of applause from the people CL. It is not a benevolent
captazio all know that will not get to speak from the stage of CL if you are not, in some ways, the organic movement and everyone knows (or knew) that Bersani is not a politician anywhere in the Italian left.
Bersani is the first to have understood that left-wing politics and business are no longer enemies, the equation that worked in the First Republic (the leader holds the levers of power and becomes a father and master of entrepreneurship) is coming to an end already In 1989, the policy that has a new wind blowing, it's called Subsidiarity: the state has no interest in keeping standing the expensive machinery of the Welfare state, if they want to get rid of it all and must leave it to others.
policy here plays a different role, is no longer a problem but a problem of power balances, of backroom deals, little tricks prestigious company decided within the committees.
does not matter to anyone who comes out the winner from the elections, because politicians are an expression of wealth and power and still are in place (parliament) in order to weigh the interests of their group and across all the parties so that they can vote cohesive in any case.
The elections are more of a farce and the Italians, to send a signal they do not vote more, but no matter who governs nothing, because that is what has to deal with a politician of the Second Republic, its mission is profit.
Bersani him well in this head, he explained very well to his closest aides and associates of the party, the exultation of Fassino in this now famous interception proves it:
Spouse: Hello Peter, I John.
Fassino : So? We Own the Bank?
Consort : It's closed, yes.
Fassino : You own the bank, I had nothing to do (laughs).
Consort : Yes, yes, that's it.
Fassino : It's done.
(source Republic June 13, 2007) All
always come this far, perhaps it would be good to go on a bit in the interception to better understand how things stand:
Spouse: At the end it turns out that we have ... eh ... say four banks ... Thus, four co ...
Fassino : Yes.
Spouse: What are ...
Fassino : What take?
Consort Four cooperatives 4% (...)
Fassino : Let's say Adriatica, Liguria ...
Consort : Piedmont ... and Modena.
Fassino : E Modena, perfect. And then?
Consort : Then there are, say, four Italian banks ...
Fassino : Yes
(source Republic June 13, 2007)
counterweight systems, cooperatives, banks, dummy transactions that are dangerous in the name of it is not clear what economic well-being of the party.
is not such a strange thing is the system of economic power of the third millennium, nothing is created nothing changes, you go build holding securities they buy that create financial holdings that are passed packages of shares, the work has nothing to do In fact, all workers without work even better ...
Bersani, Fassino, D'Alema, Veltroni, have understood all too well, welcome to the new world of politics!
Of course there is someone left who just do not want to know and the need to "normalize as soon as possible" (Veltroni in April 2008, speaking of the Italian Communists and Communist Refoundation - Source: The Associated Press - May 15, 2008) it will during the 2008 election campaign where the Democratic Party had not played much against Berlusconi ("our competitor" as it was defined by not appointing him Veltorni ever) but rather against Bertinotti and Vendola, then there's that idiot of Romano Prodi but with its narrow majority may to fall at the first puff of wind and which certainly does not provide a parachute, and finally, there is a trade union, the workers' wing of the CGIL, represented by the FIOM and from the left, but they can marginalize through a ad hoc conference with some little trick won by a majority closer to the PD and more willing to see the business world not as a party but as a business partner.
The game is done, there are no rivals, there is only so much love and high finance.
Yes, unfortunately even the workers are gone and we must attack with Gianfranco Fini, if you want to give an idea of \u200b\u200bchange and want to received but not so much now Italians they do not know what to believe and that's okay.
free from these shackles politicians it is time to do serious things: business. Who better
A CDO may be bank to finance operations of our group of former leftist comrades they wink at the new economy.
CDO in Italy and 41 offices in 17 other countries, has 34,000 companies and 1000 non-profit organizations in the world (3 of which are multinational agribusiness charged with covers) a sales turnover of 70 billion € 's year (the same data found on the site www.CdO.it CdO).
course first of all we must break down the taboo for which there is mixed with CL and so it is best to do things right. We think the new young lions of the party to clear the dream of Catholicism in sauce novo PD, the most famous friend of CL in the party is in fact the scrap Renzi (Mayor of Florence) and then a long line of nice young men and older people. All
to say that certain differences are "old" and not "cool" with their faces "jung manager."
Then you must understand, because it is known to work well together but each one must be at home. Bersani is the reference of the Coop and what does not compromise, for the coop and the coop will play many of his reforms, and here we must understand each other well because dogs should not eat dog.
CL bypass remains in some areas and will drive the PD contracts to facilitate the entry of the group in some regions "red" where the group's presence is not really appreciated by the people, the PD will not break the boxes in Lombardy, where now you do not enter more in un'ASL not even do the cleaning if you are not organic to the Movement and not hurl against CL under certain social cooperatives of Emilia huge work now worse than the corporals farm in Puglia and Basilicata, treating the workers as cannon fodder, and so ... on.
Some saw this trick of the art " cooks" the policy of CL.
I know is that here the people pay, the people are exploited and someone on the basis of personal gain fat.
In the face of social democracy and respect for the person.
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