1) Create art or disorders to promote the exacerbation of disturbances in spontaneous demonstrations supporting the infiltration of violent and non-contiguous elements in the movement as the phalanx insurrectionary anarchists or extreme right.
2) Instilling in the population the idea that facts are occasional repeated several times without reason, to provide data on the real importance of the movement in question and the potential destructive part.
3) Blaming so presumptuous opposition parties and trade unions the same contiguous to the movement of complicity with the devastation and looting without providing any other value of the content of these statements to prevent the population to get an idea consistent what is happening.
4) Through the manipulation of compliant media obsessively repeat in the images of riots and violent statements can be combined to uniquely censorship of the opposition leader.
5) Encourage the media presence of strong characters in that image justicialist Ergani to defenders of the public in a frightened and divided.
6) Launch undue alarm about the possible recurrence of the clashes.
7) find large sections of the population on which to focus the attention it required to make the bearers of order and security that the state can not escape.
8) Design a new phase of conflict and announce the decision to arrange for the drafting of special laws painful but necessary to bring the country into a democratic channel.
9) incarceration of leaders of political factions of social opposition in order to decapitate the spontaneous reaction and organization of social groups.
10) Establishment of a government public health who enjoys the widest powers.
This small handbook is a creation of myself, but comes from deep reading of 4 documents that I needed to understand the political situation:
PLAN democratic rebirth of Licio Gelli, Grand Master of the loggia Propaganda 2.
documents of the Centre that the New Order in the '60s led by Pino Rauti and the entire intelligentsia of the extreme right militant planned the strategy of tension.
documents and the few excerpts that cover news the advent of the Colonels' regime in Greece 60 years he (April 21, 1967).
Letters on the preparation of the Stalinist purges (I recommend reading the wonderful book "The Great Terror" by Robert Conquest Essays BUR). Feel
Maurizio Gasparri, the fascistello by half a point, as defined by Pino Rauti just a few years ago, called for a new April 7, 1978 (wrong year also poor, the events happened in 1979) I was immediately added to this climate by preparing military junta.
7 April 1979 the police did take the biggest anti-terrorist operation of the century that began in handcuffs all the chief Partit adjacent to the BR including Autonomy Workers, ended up in handcuffs Toni Negri also considered one of the ideological leaders of the Red Brigades, what has this to do with the current situation we should explain the Gasparri but has since placed the single neuron that has safe and that is no longer questioned until further notice .
Gasparri is obviously a useful idiot, does not even have the cultural depth to be able to talk about certain things but is, of course, as the forerunner in intellectual as someone wishes to prepare or prepare.
The scenario is all too clear from afar.
The right seeks to use the movements to target dissent and remain in power as much as possible, unfortunately some of the characteristics of the movements are good game plan.
The characteristic movements of the twenty-first century is certainly the high permeability due mainly to a particular fragmentation of organized groups that often do not exceed the dozens of individuals and that they have no real preparation for politics, but are mainly based on shared needs: schools, environmental protection, land claims as in the case of the No Tav and the No Dal Molin. Such groups are often highly infiltrative because no service order during the parade, networks in the territories can read the signals and in the case to suddenly change the outlines of the events, making them less open.
For groups of the extreme right, who are always prepared in a paramilitary and are interconnected by a series of networks of direct and indirect contact this organization is real godsend.
far-right groups such as the network Hammerskin, Forza Nuova Casa Puond or if put on alert politicians adjacent to these movements, such as the half came to Rome where he met the country's prisons from near or inside, can create disruptive actions and infiltration that can destroy entire neighborhoods of the city and then vanish losing in the parades and leave the fighting escalate indefinitely.
Add to this the contribution of the "Anarchists" (so to speak) that pass under the name of Black Block then you can take a violent movement to degeneration in three or four events.
Clashes in Rome on December 14 and was followed by taking a stand in defense of the police and against the children of the Minister Ignazio La Russa A Bomber, aimed mainly to throw fuel on the fire first, then the statements of Minister Gasparri create the cultural background to get points 5, 6 and 7 of the draft.
Political conditions at the time are what they are, do you know anyone who just proximal to the government, the stench of decomposition is now untenable, so you can choose ol'agonia with what the result would be for people like La Russa, Gasparri, the Brambilla, Alemanno ... or authoritarian drift that could give them a few more passes.
The result will always be the death of the government and his sweet left the scene with the complicity of some members of the opposition more or less sure the difference will probably be in the number of deaths and injuries that will require this kind of exit strategy.
Right now they are distant and indistinct shadows but beware, the night is good to stretch your ear to the sound of sabers ...
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