are many things out from the pages newspapers in recent days.
sucked in by the latest case of moral Italy, by Bunga Bunga, from partying, from authorization to proceed from such failure are discovered many facts that would have deserved a more careful examination. This
Italy entirely concentrated on the maximo leader, the Prince of Darkness, the supreme pig, has taken away a lot, maybe too much.
The story fiat with its incredible upheaval, which should involve everyone and, on the other hand the story of Tunisia should remind us that however close or far the revolution there, you can do and you can win but as long as a generation if I take responsibility. While Italy
guilty of masturbating on the stories of a spectrum, as long as you believe in fairy tales exist and as long as the space (and this one looks more and more and it gets incredibly) in Turin working class hit a shot. While the usual
fogies of each side explained to the workers productivity by using mathematical formulas typical of those in the factory has always looked good to go, the workers have explained two concepts clear to all clear. The first
especially in the parliamentary politics of this Republic of fools: you can not win without them and, above all, you can win despite them.
You can win against Berlsconi who are rooting for the move Production in America (because he would do so), you can win against Bersani not know what to say and then wait for the result to say things that do not mean anything.
The second kind of union, not the unions FIOM and basic (because it is well to remember that the FIOM was not alone, there were too), but the rest of the union, CGIL, which even the right to last wanted a signature technique or tactical agreement: the work is another thing, the job is not that strange alchemy of backroom deals creeping, friends of friends.
Work is dignity and a half to get to class consciousness. A metalworker
I said the other day: "See, what disgusts me most of the unions is that I say that we should bring the production in Italy and Poland to remove it, but why? A Polish worker is worth less than me? It is less human than me? "I would give the answer of: Bonanni and Angeletti. Ruby
... inside and out with fresh legs Mr. Salvatore and Mr. Nando workers of the assembly or painting. Inside
interceptions (including the always the same) and out of a thousand faces in Tunisia revives after 25 years of total silence intellectual.
And here I understand why the newspapers do not speak much of it: first, because nobody cares esters unless we have to send "our boys" to fight, and secondly because most of the Italian companies of a certain level, including tourism, with Tunisia's Ben Ali gave us a roaring trade.
Then someone noticed that he was a dictator and then nearly made him miss the gasoline to restart the plane in that unique top that has seen the most secular dictator of North Africa to seek asylum in the country the most fundamentalist of the world (the 'Saudi Arabia).
But if the reporters, always attentive to every half revelation phone had been more careful to read the company would not run due to some parallels between Italy and Tunisia.
A country where young people have no hope (they were called the generation of the shoulders against the wall) and where young people take over the state, leaving nearly 100 dead on the ground.
a country where unemployment had risen for years in silence and disinterest of a leadership adept at multi-billion dollar contracts with companies in the north but its deaf population to the point of being deaf even to the impending disaster (on the other hand louis XVI on Bastille Day wrote of those who had taken a few rabbits in the hunt in the morning and the starting day of the Tsar of the February Revolution spoke of boats which had gone up and down the Volga).
one time it would rivers of ink written on the demographic variables in the explosion of revolt, because ISTAT data in hand the shoulders of our young people are not just places better than those of young Tunisians today as we go toward the cheerful economic and social catastrophe is not written anything, just run the new story of a troubled ghost who is now a ridiculous operetta by Mussolini that he can no longer be credible even for its employees.
Marx wrote that history is always presented twice, once as tragedy, second as farce ...
Draw the conclusions you want.
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