Giuliano sleeping.

Giuliano died.
Surely there is only one dead.

"seemed to be asleep," say.
One looks, perhaps you believe, but there is something else again.
But if many people say they tend to believe it. Things are going well, you know.
But perhaps it is not him, is not dead! It's and Giuliano had not died?
Then certainly asleep, like everyone, every day. asleep somewhere.
But no! Julian is dead. Look here!
And they make us see everything:
do see all that is really dead, why is there
with blood and the holes in the body, cold and inert on the marble.
Giuliano is naked and is exposed :
as a butcher exposes a kid.
Here are his most precious things, its objects, its symbols:
his mark.
On one hand they show us these things:
have its own things inseparable .
Behold, these are the symbols . What are you looking again?
Salvatore Giuliano was an icon of his time, of that history, of those people. He had done icon. Giuliano, such as Sofia Loren and as Padre Pio, was an image to project and volontĂ .Le Photos show him like this:-Julian model, Giuliano-star, Julie-hero.
Julian was performing, and he was always with him a gold watch, a ring set with brilliant and a belt buckle.
He exhibited these things, and Pisciotta , his appearance, he performed even more.
These objects are present in many contemporary documents, photographs, magazines, evidence , acts of processes, rumors. Giuliano, kept us very much. This is why, Giuliano died, show us those things: it is a hunting trophy. And to us these "accessories" - this symbol-very interested and we'll talk soon.
Originally There were three watches, gold and identical brand Universal Gèneve : these were given to Salvatore Giuliano by Prince Alliata (a monarchical one of the architects of the postwar Sicilian batter), and there were two (maybe three) belt buckles, identical too 'them, and worn proudly exhibited in many images of 'era is that of Salvatore Giuliano by his partner Gaspare Pisciotta . And not only them, also exhibited the double.
Giuliano gave one of the three clocks Gaspare Pisciotta and the third will appear next Nunzio Badalamenti .
The buckles were of gold, or at least it had the appearance and it is also realistic that they were. They were beautiful belt buckles, whose decoration was based on an excellent job of jewelry, these buckles rappresentavano the "symbol" of Julie, a lion rampant on the right, an eagle on the left and in the center, with a round Trinacria . is not difficult to grasp the symbolism of this metaphor.
On May 1, 1949 to Salvatore Giuliano gave Gaspare Pisciotta one of the two buckles with an inscription engraved on purpose on the back "memories of SG 01/05/1949" on the occasion of the which was intended as their celebration of the massacre at Portella delle Ginestre. This buckle belonged to Pisciotta until December 1950 when he was arrested. The first buckle instead - that belonging to Salvatore Giuliano - was instead taken by "Law Enforcement" at the time the macabre circus put in place to Castelvetrano and products around the production of a given body, of course, the outlawed, right after that which was proposed as his killing in a firefight completely artificial, in early July of the same in 1950.
Originally there were then three watches and two buckles - all gold -. There was also a platinum ring with a big bright that had belonged to the Duchess of Pratameno and was "acquired" by the bandit during a robbery in place, it seems, with a certain gallantry.
This ring is recognized in the photo that is shown to journalists, on the one hand, anonymous, along with the buckle sfilatagli pants. In those circumstances, with the corpse still there, naked on the marble of the morgue Castelvetrano , disappeared the gold watch of the bandit that certainly has not lost in a manhole.
disappeared in the events that followed these other things: the golden buckle of Pisciotta that was in his possession arrest gold watch and other banned Nunzio Badalamenti , always immediately after the arrest of the latter.
These and other mysteries, what remained were the buckle Giuliano taken into possession by some title Statoinsieme with his ring, and the clock Pisciotta that had been lodged in jail to his arrest and then arrested.
Things Giuliano are then finished in a museum in Rome. But or were, and now they are not anymore because the buckle is gold ring Salvatore Giuliano, the clock with Gaspare Pisciotta were stolen sometime November 2006 during a robbery discreet and subtle , no burglary, no break and without a trace.
Perhaps THAT Giuliano and things have been taken by someone who took them to a person who could crave, in occasion of important approached well-defined, real and inevitable: death.
That person wanted things before he died. And probably before his death really an unspecified date between 2006 and 2008 as proposed by many voices and too many directions.
E 'voice widespread and detailed , that Salvatore Giuliano at the time of his death was not announced as dead ... this: it is said that he was not dead but the body of his impersonator . This organization was in that context of secret agreements, betrayal, murder and intrigue that was the original of which was enriched yeast and which he structured the emerging ITALIAN REPUBLIC.
For this item, and a rich series of contextual information documented or undocumented , and too consistent to be not credible, the Italian has a few months ago was exhumed the body in the grave with the name and photograph of Salvatore Giuliano, the order to make an examination of the DNA to be compared with that of living relatives.
The story of Salvatore Giuliano is widely traded and who would not is difficult to document in this regard, including in depth.
Q uella that are apposite question is a simple and understandable.
If you were Salvatore Giuliano, live somewhere with another identity, and hidden for draft-many designers protectors not you would feel - after nearly sixty years past to "be good and quiet" - deserve the opportunity to ask those who have protected sharing your secret a small "bonus"? So now you had a request and simply wanted answered.
If you were in the shoes of Giuliano before he died would not want to get things, those symbolic things, that you had to leave before to go away forever ? for all that time when she left the scene, dead.
So, if Julian had withdrawn a absolute anonymity for almost 60 years doing a big favor to the nascent Italian Republic (and politicians of the time), because his party would now deny them this small and insignificant, please? What are we talking about anyway? Only an old clock and a buckle nostalgic .
And then, gradually, it is objects forgotten in an obscure Italian museum - THE Criminology Museum - most hosted by a ministry whose name here is certainly symbolic of the fact and context: JUSTICE. Who made these objects is certainly not going to steal the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. And maybe to open doors and windows had simply copying the keys: it has been difficult at all.
Cito Leonardo Sciascia:
"Who does not remember the massacre of Portella della Ginestra, the death of the bandit Giuliano, poisoning Gaspare Pisciotta in prison? All things, until now, wrapped in a lie.
It is then that the ' Italy is a country without truth .
It is coming off a rule: no one will ever know the truth about the criminal offenses that have, even slightly relevant to the management of power ... ... ... ... "The state can not prosecute itself."
At this point, however,
Julian is dead.
He resumed with them the right things
and certainly died.
This reconstruction is based on fact and documented evidence, and is built assuming that Salvatore Giuliano was alive until recently. However, this is a hypothesis, which will be compared with the outcome of the DNA found in the burial of the body attributed to Salvatore Giuliano. This, however, will be waiting in 2016 is eliminated Secret State documentation on the subject.
Maybe this is all a fantasy, but on the other hand, we know what the imagination can overcome reality.
In conclusion, meanwhile,
Italy remains - for this and much more - a country without truth.
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