After a long time when nothing could be seen, the other day, finally, the secretary of the Communist re-foundation (now Federation of the Left) Paolo Ferrero, has been able to say something on TV.
I was appalled, the secretary of the radical leftist party, known dangerous bunch of damned communists in a sea of \u200b\u200bpeaceful and active parties of the left and right, saying that it was necessary to frame the case in a broader way and that Baptists in Italy had never really closed the years of lead.
protests of many Italians, Battisti is a criminal, a murderess ... true.
Baptists to serve a sentence in Italy and this type of international interference are annoying ... Delfo Zorzi then it is nice to cool in Japan with the deaths of Piazza Fontana on consciousness but there you do not tell the scandals in our country exist until then just talk about the news ...
What strikes me though is another thing, a given system that explains a lot about how Italy should be and how to direct the masses towards one direction that indeed the two major parties in the voters want ... abstaining! The delegation in white without any representation, the disgust for politics, but also represent you if you do not govern.
since Left parties are out of the government there were no more spaces for their representatives, often the press releases of the various parties of the left PDCI, PRC, SEL (though not recently) were effectively trashed by editors.
in recent months, representatives of the left have always and without hesitation by side with workers Fiom Pomigliano Mirafiori and today, while the PD trying to figure out what kind of alien entity and the worker was then defeated in the His research has preferred to support a creature who knows best, the leadership of Fiat, were made events, meetings, debates, some partecipatissimi.
The representatives of the left have tried to return to work in a world now where, if you say the policy people will spit in his face, spitting and have taken many, but no one spoke.
There have been two important conferences that have reshaped geography of the left and getting closer all the positions (from a new foundation through SEL socialists and Italian Communists), but almost nothing on the news (the few seconds is given by virtually dedicated to the good Mentana la7).
People should not know ... no one should disturb the handlers that actually say the same things. People must understand that there is a single thought and that, at most, dissent must be expressed with the abstention and the second best in the bustling instant translations failing policies that are then crushed in a little while.
From this comes the news of Ferrero, who "performs" Brazil (Lula as if he needed) on the case Battisti ... and yes that goes on TV that makes the news, because you want people to know that if votes are left with Terrorists ex BR.
The radical left does nothing, only defended social centers and the Red Brigades, a citizen you have to do with them?
This here is terrorism, terrorism is defined as any action likely to strike fear in people in order to guide decisions on positions other than those who freely choose ... you can do with guns as Baptists in the seventies, or the words or the silences are as PD, PDL League and today on the Left ...
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