The neoliberal market economy will rely on two pillars: control of the media and the diffusion of false information on one side and the willingness of a number third of the other entity.
the complacency of the third entity has been discussed in the past, trade unions (except for the FIOM and say a few pockets exist in other sectors of the CGIL) and powerful groups are more or less disguised degeneracy from bank to this new economic interest for the second and first, because in fact they are not able to read the destructive potential of the changes that the new watchwords of the economy are implementing. The news
vehicles instead is an issue that is best suited to the subject of our blog and on the whole less is discussed.
Last night Emma Marcegaglia was proposed by Fabio Fazio with a long monologue when asked whether the government to do more on flexibility, tax cuts to industrial and demolition of social spending to invest in the revival of obviously knackered Italian economy , which is said once and for all NOT GROWING WHY 'IN THE COUNTRY WHERE WE SHOULD NOT HAVE SEEN THAT YOU EARN MUCH MORE' WITH PENSIONS AND THE PLUSVALEZE and where the industry does not have the slightest idea what it means to make industry more than launch into insane construction firms trying to do buildings wherever there is a piece of untouched land to colonize. Commentators
more careful, I think, would have to hit your finger on the fact that Mrs. Marcegaglia, with all the harm he is doing for its industries, is simply asking the government to further strangle the welfare state (schools, hospitals, care for poor, ...) to redirect all funds to the industry and then, on the basis of the new philosophy Marchionne, if and when you wish, turn the gains on its employees (not only on them the rest of the population).
In fact, the American model is the delirious state. By linking all those who are outside the production is a burden to the company and consequential an individual to whom the company does not have to worry about residual if not so with the blessing of the big capitalists who occasionally give some money to charities named after the corpses of their parents.
I expected to read this newspaper before and after the interview and instead the titles were all more or less along these lines: "Mercegaglia: the government over the past six months has done little", "Confindustria curries Berlusconi government over the last six months at the stake, "... if the government had done in the past six months, Confindustria is asking what we would all retire at 75 years, Fiom no longer exist and the only valid contracts would be those business . In addition, proper Huckleberry Hound Bau Sacconi, we try to accommodate the little Emma in its demands, such as to delete Article 18 through arbitration or to make a nice total amnesty for the benefit of business scams that have made improper contracts with work people for a life and that they can now rest easy because finally no longer be able to denounce them.
In the first case, unfortunately, we put that it was dangerous Comunistaccio Napolitano and in accordance with the labor courts of appeals have been congested before the implementation date of the decree.
Little Emma knows that in Italy if you want to make a speech, even the extreme right, and use words in the speech Berlusconi Bad, government bankruptcy, ... all for a reflection pavloniano applaud you anyway.
years all the neo-liberal recipes wildest pass in our country with the same system. "We need to increase the flexibility," said Petro Ichino years ago, still going for a major thinker on the left, all the media learned this new word, FLEXIBILITY, 'if he says one left will be good, do not think it's taken to the bottom right? One of those things then you find yourself stuck in the butt? But it should be, the press began to talk about flexibility as a necessary and sufficient condition to compete at international level. Luciano Gallino
in his fine essay "Italy shatter" was the first to put his finger on: it is true that many countries are adopting flexible working but they are for most third world countries and the IMF (International Monetary Fund ) argues that one cause of most rapid decline of an economic system is its fragmentation and flexibility of the work ... the countries with the largest number of flexible workers are in fact the countries of Central and Southern America North and Central Africa, not exactly famous for their standard of living. Other journalistic deception
good for all seasons (depending on how you want to read) is the GDP.
This year the GDP grew more than expected, but it's based, the economy is beginning to pull.
GDP of 2010 - 2011 grew for the simple reason that there were a lot of natural disasters and to rebuild and restore a natural disaster where there has been a positive influence on GDP but not the poor man who was found submerged Home Veneto in the mud, it would be appropriate to say to economic commentators or reporters.
also pervasive unemployment further increases the GDP seen that if the same factory that produces 100 before the crisis and had to distribute the wealth it produces 80 to 60 workers now has 20 workers but increases its value and its internal GDP going to weigh on the national level. Vaglielo to say to the 40 workers who are walking are the rich.
In the western world is putting in strong debate what many economists now call the "fable of GDP." As an empirical fact just enough states to measure their own international power, where the individual counts for nothing.
In China's GDP rises of 80-10% annually, but nearly one billion 300 million Chinese living in total poverty and highlight important cases of malnutrition. In some
dark regions of the government data of infant mortality from starvation.
Stalin's Russia increased its GDP during the five-year plans for the price of nearly 3 million deaths from starvation in Ukraine.
These simple data are collected from newspapers and therefore do not know hardly anyone. Only yesterday
many thinkers of the Democratic Party that will be remembered in history as the only living organism that although eight hundred heads could not find an intelligent solution to anything, they claimed that the Fiat was a good solution stability and promotes jobs.
the same day we learn one of the many hidden aspects of the Plan Marchionne, the Manifesto speaks in a nice Tonino Perna " A few days ago returned to work at the Fiat plant in Termini Imerese, after three weeks of forced rest. But there is no future for the 2,200 workers of the Fiat and other industries two thousand. The new Ypsilon, who was born in 2010 in this establishment, then postponed to 2011, will be out next year. But in Poland. On 18 June 2009, Marchionne stated that the plant would be converted to other industrial productions. Rumors emerged from a case of production of tractor cabs. Now there is just the closure and, without much discussion .
Very productive, very democratic, Marcegaglia is happy, well Marchionne, the government no one has ever spotted in the last two years, I wonder why anyone would see him now, the PD in a few years anyway and tell her you fucked up, the Italians will always be there alone and ill-informed do not understand anything about what's propinano are ... so we are the country where Big Brother is real and the work is a reality show