I remember one morning in November last year. In the area
Turro, one of the semiperipheral of the Metropolis, bitterly cold and frost in the bones.
Frost put it in my bones that there was going to happen.
I had called the Companions of the union to ask me to go forced the garrison to prevent the dismantling of a home ANPI.
not a gypsy camp, not even a social center, the municipality of Milan forces, decided to disband the small office of the Partisans in Italy.
I still see the scene, barricaded inside 30 square meters room were about twenty people, men and women, of whom I and my companions were certainly the younger ones out as if it were the capture of a mafia boss there were four vans of police brigade and two cars at least a hundred policemen, police and traffic wardens.
did not understand what happened because they scramble the partisans, the headquarters had been given to them by the population of the district Turro, April 26, 1945, to thank them for the effort to rid the neighborhood of the latest flare Nazi, since the battle right there Milan was bloody, and just in the neighborhood was the last German command still works.
did not understand the confusion, the police could not understand why the country born of the partisan struggle, now Knock down the door of the tiny home with the butts of their rifles.
I have an idea I had and then I have it today.
Milan, a city gold medal of the resistance over the years has turned into a sleepy town, its citizens and Fascist in its administration.
Why come to mind these considerations today?
I read in the newspapers that the city has rented in the Corso Buenos Aires (for a figure of just over € 19,000 a year) a place for the implementation of the new headquarters of the New Forces.
Getaway doubt the new force is not a right-wing party, the new force is a fascist party.
Among its founders are people like Roberto Fiore had this to say that it was necessary to stop celebrate the strength and the right side of the Second World War was because Salo maintained a "pact with Italy" and that Mussolini was a great statesman betrayed by the Italians.
The members of the new force will consider are defined between fascists and their comrades, have a kind of paramilitary training and very often make themselves present in shares of hard beating to political activists and trade unionists in the opposite direction.
Especially in recent years have been inseparably tied to the fans with some of the toughest Italian football and the phalanges with xenophobic and racist all over Europe in a kind of global brotherhood.
Questions. Faced with this news I can not make judgments and formulate answers I do not know, I can just put together a data set and ask me questions:
1. Because the town of Milan is so solicitous to find a home at low cost in the central area of \u200b\u200bMilan and an avowedly fascist party is not as swift when it comes to solving the problem of housing some of which (the periphery) are in a was semi-abandoned with asbestos roofs never abandoned and social problems that gradually become more and more devastating?
2. How can a city reward shortly Liliana Segre (formerly deported to Auschwitz survivor) with the gold medal at the civic value, and at the same time provide a meeting place for people who deny that the deportation as a profession of faith (if you're not you can not be denial of the New Forces)?
3. Why not just a builder with obvious sympathy right-handed hunting a group of partisans from 30 square meters, the town is even close to the subway stations around the neighborhood to allow the evacuation to the police (and make it difficult for journalists to come to document) and then not says nothing about the presence of dangerous militants in the territory of the extreme right?
4. How come the mayor Moratti sees no ethical problem in supporting the accommodation of a political group racist and homophobic at the same time I removed even a councilor (Vittorio Sgarbi) guilty of having given the support immorality gay film festival.
And how come you came to Milan to censor an exhibition of Czechoslovakian photographer Ian Saudeck considered a pervert for his shots gay but not censure a party that still sings in his marches "There freghimo black shirt triumph of jail" and considers the other politicians as enemies to be eliminated.
5. Mrs. Letizia Bricchetto Arnaboldi (in Moratti), I seem to remember, has deported a former father in a concentration camp, at his age probably seek the advice of his father is no longer used, but this morning when she read the news in the papers (I infer that since at Palazzo Marino is almost never there, will not have felt the first thing to decide in common and therefore between just tell that he knew nothing) if they have not been mentioned at least a little ashamed '?
6. As in Milan now "Safety Alert" is becoming a common refrain as the "city of fashion," Deputy Mayor Walker Texas Ranger was decorated asked questions about security issues in putting the headquarters of a party to that kind of a shot gun (or .22) Via Padova, immigration and trade center of foreigners in Milan and even as far away from Via Paolo Sarpi, a center of Chinese immigration? We understand each other is impersonating a Moroccan security alarm and a nazi skin that beats you two Italian prostitutes, a bum, and 3 foreign one with long hair that looks like a communist but was an altar boy?
good question, obviously intended to have no answer, so much the sleepy town is sleeping soundly and the Blackshirts marching through the night!
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