"The gas chambers were a detail of the history of the Second World War."
I always continues to spring in the mind the phrase that Le Pen spoke Breton to the French magazine in 2008.
I remember when I read it I said that there were people in the world willing to do whatever meanness sake of themselves and their party advertising. Why
Jean Marie Le Penn is first and foremost a great communicator, one who uses language extreme and destabilizing to enchant the people from bars, unemployed angry with the world, the French underclass masses desperately seeking someone, whoever he is, a dream redemption and social supremacy.

Mario Borghezio instead I met him (well I've never known) in Milan a few years ago, was one of many elections, not even remember which one.
He pitched his tent in the Piazza Duomo and a group of acolytes was collecting signatures for whatever idiocy hallucinated.
fought for a moment I stood, I did not want to talk to the man who was peeing in places where pigs were to be built mosques or who had neo-Nazi rallies in all of Italy.
We are human beings who feel unworthy to be interviewed, people who should not exist in my world.
But I told myself, whether you like it or not Mario Borghezio exists and it's so I went to question him ... or at least I tried as soon as I approached the tent gazebo a wiry guy pushed me out, saying that Mr did not intend to release any interview and that if I could get information directly from its website.
I tried to say that I wanted to ask questions on immigration and his views on European Union and Italy but I was, however, said that was not the time of the interviews.
Today's Corriere della Sera published an article that makes me shiver.
Marine Le Pen and Mario Borghezio Monday will be guests of the Mayor of Lampedusa Mr Dino De Rubeis. De
Rubeis is the man who once said that "immigrants stink even after they are washed"
" not want to be racist, but the flesh stinks even when the Negro is washed," she would say in an interview the mayor of Lampedusa Dino de Rubeis on 12 September. Complaints and her ex-commissioner for culture, the 22 year old Toni Colapinto (Mpa), which yesterday submitted their resignations, giving reasons, "Now I do sponsor a campaign that has as its slogan" It stinks too "(from Panorama.it http://forum.panorama.it/showthread.php?t=7022 April 2007)
another commendable servant of the state. One that before a serious problem that does not lose his head and said nonsense
Borghezio goes in the troubled Mediterranean island and does not do it alone.
What a wonderful thing, in serious crisis of popularity, buried by people bigger than his size, as Maroni and Calderoli (which only say that to laugh), the neo-Nazi Italy's most famous makes his catwalk with the neo neo-Nazi Europe's most celebrated (when father left her with the baton) in the most famous of Italy during the crisis more complicated in the world.
To do what? To present his nonsense and throw here and a bit 'of racism cheap always hoping that people bite us in the country,
Getaway doubt, Borghezio League is not a simple sidewalk, not even a politician is presentable.
is a neo-Nazi who is hiding behind the green handkerchief as a facade to give himself more presentable.
can make his appearances in Brussels, where all things right if no row.
I make a collage of his most famous phrases just to give you an idea:
"I do not understand all the fuss with the sentencing of Saddam, when no President of the Republic has yet apologized to the family Mussolini."
"The first medals' Olympic gold awarded to athletes in the North ... demonstrate the superiority of ethnic Po, in this field "(RaiNews24, August 13, 2008 - had it with the athletes in the South).
Garibaldi entered Naples escorted by the Mafia and the Camorra. To this I would go to shoot the dead body and not to celebrate it (from 23,039-http://www.italia-news.it/politica-c14/lega-nord-c389/unita-d-% Italy - Borghezio - garibaldi-el-% 23039-icon-of-rome-thieving - friend-of-a-mafia-59089.html).
And finally what I prefer, because it has something of Hitler when "Penetrate everywhere but where you can not tell people who are fascists."
The walkway that Mr. and Mrs. Le Pen intend to do in Lampedusa offends us, as Italians and as human beings, as sentient individuals.
As I wrote elsewhere: it was repulsive enough when the false vouchers were going to do their front walkway to the beaches where tragedies were happening and they could only mourn the dead, but now that the real bad guys are throwing up where thousands of poor people are in unless it can be said?
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