The other day I spoke with Irene and Marco.
normal people. It may seem strange, but ordinary people in Milan is 95% of the population.
Then there are those 5% of wealthy individuals, celebrities and models that seem like magic, the only inhabitants of the metropolis.
Irene and Mark told me about their projects, "rising this sewer as soon as possible, maybe going to Berlin "as they both speak German, Marco a bit 'more, he studied languages \u200b\u200band graduated with a degree in German literature of the twentieth century, Irene knows something less, but okay.
The important thing is to go to a place where someone who wants to show what it's worth.
Mark now works for the "retail", a euphemism for making the clerk in a sporting goods megastore, and Irene is the mother full-time as their little one was born a few months, but since working at project in the office of an accountant is also now unemployed.
"Money is not enough, I pay the rent or buy things, we manage because we help parents, but it weighs a lot "
The home of Irene and Mark is on the western outskirts of Milan, one of the many bedroom communities that lie between Rho exhibition halls and luxury of the center.
What we call "anonymous urban fabric."
"750 € / month rent, plus electricity gas and telephone, more than three weeks," says Mark.
tells their story, which is similar to that of many other young people in the lovely city of the north because I think it's wonderful counterpoint to the news that dominates the front page of today's Republic of Milan, which calls for an investigation of Espresso on sale from this morning.
"Moratti Jr., a villa-style Batman condoned thanks to the City Pgt
a Batman-style dream house with a lot of fitness" with jacuzzi, turkish bath, saltwater pool, huge bedrooms, a motorized hatch " that leads to an underground bunker "with shooting range"
The facts date back to August 2009. Moratti, Jr. calls "fusion" of four units on a Ajraghi 30 "and the change of interior spaces" with recovery of the wineries. Industrial laboratories are included in a complex in which, however, there are dozens of loft. Minimal burden to the City are paid little more than 6 thousand euro. There are no requests to change the intended use. At least up to a year later (in trade, though), when the case has already exploded in the press. The work is almost completed when the group hilite Brera 30, which deals with luxurious interiors, to get paid part of the fee brings everything in court. For the lawyers of the Moratti family, the company "worked badly." The problem, however, is another . All
obviously in a completely renovated abuse in breach of the plan and without having sought the minimum allowed.

In Milan we die of hunger if by chance you beat a child to do well and have not calculated the mortgage payment or let compare it with the diapers.
Milan is even sending the army to clear the young people who occupy the social centers. In Milan, where two Senegalese sleeping in an abandoned palace is just screaming to urban decay and become the torch of the League for the order and security.
But the son of the mayor, with all his billions and his entrature may decide to make a home, taking a former industrial area, renovated as the villa of Batman (and here one could argue at length about the cultural models of the new Milanese bourgeoisie), forget to change the intended use, as long as open does not mask the feeling the whole thing by selling at a clothing company.

Even this does not tell the mayor know nothing.
would not be the first time. When the municipality
he leased to a local neo-fascist Forza Nuova in the heart of the lady said to be unaware of it because: "The mayor can not know everything about all the acts that the city produces."
Then, from these pages use Mrs. Letizia Moratti in Arnaboldi Bricchetto to be seen a bit 'more often to Palazzo Marino, given its record low attendance at Board and in addition (see "Some application to the dorm Letizia Moratti, mayor Milan "November 2010) and now I really do not know what to advise ... perhaps to be seen more often at home or speak more often with his son, just to know where the child lives and if living in an abusive home or not.
probably in mitigation the holy woman will say nothing because he could not know the end is an adult son who lives his life and does not ask permission for her to make this choice but I think with a little 'common sense of the Mom should ask his son where the hell he lives and what it does in the evening, despite his age.
Among other things strikes me the news of the engine hatch to lead the young Bruce Wayne to the underground shooting range, I believe this violates only two or three articles of the Criminal Code (if everything always turns out to be true - now I like Benigni ).
As usual, I'd like Mrs. Moratti went to talk to Irene and Mark, went to talk to those who are doing wrong also because of everything that did not. to explain his version to the 95% of Milan who do not fare well as his son and his friends but, however the majority have given credit in a few years ago, he went to explain to citizens what the hell is that in his PGT practice will prove to be an amnesty for all private trash in the city made by these arrogant imbeciles without dignity.
probably not find all this understanding, if not among those who have already broken any abuse in this new Middle Ages where the serfs pay well for crimes of the feudal lords.
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