Advances of Caparezza Heretic Tour 2011 on LSDmagazine
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How To Change The Lcd Color On A Jvc Kd-sc601?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
How To Change The Monitor Color Jvc Kd-sc601

"The gas chambers were a detail of the history of the Second World War."
I always continues to spring in the mind the phrase that Le Pen spoke Breton to the French magazine in 2008.
I remember when I read it I said that there were people in the world willing to do whatever meanness sake of themselves and their party advertising. Why
Jean Marie Le Penn is first and foremost a great communicator, one who uses language extreme and destabilizing to enchant the people from bars, unemployed angry with the world, the French underclass masses desperately seeking someone, whoever he is, a dream redemption and social supremacy.

Mario Borghezio instead I met him (well I've never known) in Milan a few years ago, was one of many elections, not even remember which one.
He pitched his tent in the Piazza Duomo and a group of acolytes was collecting signatures for whatever idiocy hallucinated.
fought for a moment I stood, I did not want to talk to the man who was peeing in places where pigs were to be built mosques or who had neo-Nazi rallies in all of Italy.
We are human beings who feel unworthy to be interviewed, people who should not exist in my world.
But I told myself, whether you like it or not Mario Borghezio exists and it's so I went to question him ... or at least I tried as soon as I approached the tent gazebo a wiry guy pushed me out, saying that Mr did not intend to release any interview and that if I could get information directly from its website.
I tried to say that I wanted to ask questions on immigration and his views on European Union and Italy but I was, however, said that was not the time of the interviews.
Today's Corriere della Sera published an article that makes me shiver.
Marine Le Pen and Mario Borghezio Monday will be guests of the Mayor of Lampedusa Mr Dino De Rubeis. De
Rubeis is the man who once said that "immigrants stink even after they are washed"
" not want to be racist, but the flesh stinks even when the Negro is washed," she would say in an interview the mayor of Lampedusa Dino de Rubeis on 12 September. Complaints and her ex-commissioner for culture, the 22 year old Toni Colapinto (Mpa), which yesterday submitted their resignations, giving reasons, "Now I do sponsor a campaign that has as its slogan" It stinks too "(from April 2007)
another commendable servant of the state. One that before a serious problem that does not lose his head and said nonsense
Borghezio goes in the troubled Mediterranean island and does not do it alone.
What a wonderful thing, in serious crisis of popularity, buried by people bigger than his size, as Maroni and Calderoli (which only say that to laugh), the neo-Nazi Italy's most famous makes his catwalk with the neo neo-Nazi Europe's most celebrated (when father left her with the baton) in the most famous of Italy during the crisis more complicated in the world.
To do what? To present his nonsense and throw here and a bit 'of racism cheap always hoping that people bite us in the country,
Getaway doubt, Borghezio League is not a simple sidewalk, not even a politician is presentable.
is a neo-Nazi who is hiding behind the green handkerchief as a facade to give himself more presentable.
can make his appearances in Brussels, where all things right if no row.
I make a collage of his most famous phrases just to give you an idea:
"I do not understand all the fuss with the sentencing of Saddam, when no President of the Republic has yet apologized to the family Mussolini."
"The first medals' Olympic gold awarded to athletes in the North ... demonstrate the superiority of ethnic Po, in this field "(RaiNews24, August 13, 2008 - had it with the athletes in the South).
Garibaldi entered Naples escorted by the Mafia and the Camorra. To this I would go to shoot the dead body and not to celebrate it (from 23,039- Italy - Borghezio - garibaldi-el-% 23039-icon-of-rome-thieving - friend-of-a-mafia-59089.html).
And finally what I prefer, because it has something of Hitler when "Penetrate everywhere but where you can not tell people who are fascists."
The walkway that Mr. and Mrs. Le Pen intend to do in Lampedusa offends us, as Italians and as human beings, as sentient individuals.
As I wrote elsewhere: it was repulsive enough when the false vouchers were going to do their front walkway to the beaches where tragedies were happening and they could only mourn the dead, but now that the real bad guys are throwing up where thousands of poor people are in unless it can be said?
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How Do I Change Mw2 Englishlanguageto Russian
Joan Wasser goes around Novoli alone to photograph the monuments.
When the meeting in a bar where I holed up forced by the rain, chatting. The scene is very funny: I try to remain serious, her cover of airman, tight red leather pants and army boots, is serious. Holding a water bottle under his arm. Full and open: without realizing it floods the bar. Browse
some macaroons (pastries) and does everything possible to not have them offer. In vain.
And then there's the show. Rewarding. Joan sings absorbed in his world without having to leave your feet from the ground that the houses. E 'genuine applause when he responds to dozens of "thank you . The less sincere it seems surprising that show for a small town charm but discreet old (" really amazing").
After the concert autograph dozens of discs and is suitable for anyone with photographs.
I tap on the dedication The Deep Field with a lot of thanks for the macaroons.
Far from stardom, Joan is a woman of character and a very valuable musician who deserves more success. The trust my thoughts on his music, which is also a wish, and she responds with a sense of responsibility mixed with modesty: " I try, I try! .
1. The Action Man *
2. * The Magic
3. Chemmie
* 4. Hard White Wall
** 5. Anyone
*** 6. Run for Love *
7. *
Flash 8. Nervous
* 9. Save Me ***
10. Kiss the specifics
* 11. Forever and a Year *
12. ***
Eternal Flame 13. Everyone I was
* 14. Real Life ***
* (From The Deep Field , 2011)
** (album To Survive , 2008)
*** (From Real Life , 2006)
photos and videos Antonio Campese . Thank yoooooouuuuuuuu! :-)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

The other day I spoke with Irene and Marco.
normal people. It may seem strange, but ordinary people in Milan is 95% of the population.
Then there are those 5% of wealthy individuals, celebrities and models that seem like magic, the only inhabitants of the metropolis.
Irene and Mark told me about their projects, "rising this sewer as soon as possible, maybe going to Berlin "as they both speak German, Marco a bit 'more, he studied languages \u200b\u200band graduated with a degree in German literature of the twentieth century, Irene knows something less, but okay.
The important thing is to go to a place where someone who wants to show what it's worth.
Mark now works for the "retail", a euphemism for making the clerk in a sporting goods megastore, and Irene is the mother full-time as their little one was born a few months, but since working at project in the office of an accountant is also now unemployed.
"Money is not enough, I pay the rent or buy things, we manage because we help parents, but it weighs a lot "
The home of Irene and Mark is on the western outskirts of Milan, one of the many bedroom communities that lie between Rho exhibition halls and luxury of the center.
What we call "anonymous urban fabric."
"750 € / month rent, plus electricity gas and telephone, more than three weeks," says Mark.
tells their story, which is similar to that of many other young people in the lovely city of the north because I think it's wonderful counterpoint to the news that dominates the front page of today's Republic of Milan, which calls for an investigation of Espresso on sale from this morning.
"Moratti Jr., a villa-style Batman condoned thanks to the City Pgt
a Batman-style dream house with a lot of fitness" with jacuzzi, turkish bath, saltwater pool, huge bedrooms, a motorized hatch " that leads to an underground bunker "with shooting range"
The facts date back to August 2009. Moratti, Jr. calls "fusion" of four units on a Ajraghi 30 "and the change of interior spaces" with recovery of the wineries. Industrial laboratories are included in a complex in which, however, there are dozens of loft. Minimal burden to the City are paid little more than 6 thousand euro. There are no requests to change the intended use. At least up to a year later (in trade, though), when the case has already exploded in the press. The work is almost completed when the group hilite Brera 30, which deals with luxurious interiors, to get paid part of the fee brings everything in court. For the lawyers of the Moratti family, the company "worked badly." The problem, however, is another . All
obviously in a completely renovated abuse in breach of the plan and without having sought the minimum allowed.

In Milan we die of hunger if by chance you beat a child to do well and have not calculated the mortgage payment or let compare it with the diapers.
Milan is even sending the army to clear the young people who occupy the social centers. In Milan, where two Senegalese sleeping in an abandoned palace is just screaming to urban decay and become the torch of the League for the order and security.
But the son of the mayor, with all his billions and his entrature may decide to make a home, taking a former industrial area, renovated as the villa of Batman (and here one could argue at length about the cultural models of the new Milanese bourgeoisie), forget to change the intended use, as long as open does not mask the feeling the whole thing by selling at a clothing company.

Even this does not tell the mayor know nothing.
would not be the first time. When the municipality
he leased to a local neo-fascist Forza Nuova in the heart of the lady said to be unaware of it because: "The mayor can not know everything about all the acts that the city produces."
Then, from these pages use Mrs. Letizia Moratti in Arnaboldi Bricchetto to be seen a bit 'more often to Palazzo Marino, given its record low attendance at Board and in addition (see "Some application to the dorm Letizia Moratti, mayor Milan "November 2010) and now I really do not know what to advise ... perhaps to be seen more often at home or speak more often with his son, just to know where the child lives and if living in an abusive home or not.
probably in mitigation the holy woman will say nothing because he could not know the end is an adult son who lives his life and does not ask permission for her to make this choice but I think with a little 'common sense of the Mom should ask his son where the hell he lives and what it does in the evening, despite his age.
Among other things strikes me the news of the engine hatch to lead the young Bruce Wayne to the underground shooting range, I believe this violates only two or three articles of the Criminal Code (if everything always turns out to be true - now I like Benigni ).
As usual, I'd like Mrs. Moratti went to talk to Irene and Mark, went to talk to those who are doing wrong also because of everything that did not. to explain his version to the 95% of Milan who do not fare well as his son and his friends but, however the majority have given credit in a few years ago, he went to explain to citizens what the hell is that in his PGT practice will prove to be an amnesty for all private trash in the city made by these arrogant imbeciles without dignity.
probably not find all this understanding, if not among those who have already broken any abuse in this new Middle Ages where the serfs pay well for crimes of the feudal lords.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Gameshark De Final Fantasy Dawn Of Souls

"You do not need journalists to ask questions to us!"
"And to those who should I apologize?"
"I do not know but not to us, we got to do that"
"Excuse me are you the ones with the posters and with gazebo, who do I ask questions to the traffic cop?"
"The people who want to do but not us"
do not know if the guy with the hat is the head of group but it is certainly the only one who speaks, he does not respond, but speaks.
are around a dozen and are outside the courthouse, and low overcast, light rain, the those with or without an umbrella so does the same.
Most are under the gazebo prepared for the occasion, some are out, signs and banners are well made, very far from those of events for young people and women who are used to seeing usually made on the night table kitchen or basement with fabric and paint. They
typographic posters and banners that read wind acetates FORCE SILVIO, SILVIO MUST RESIST, 500 PROCESS NEVER ORDERED.
I wonder why they put in front of the courthouse because their idol is not present at the hearing today, so will be in Milan but a few hundred yards away, in the Cathedral, invited by the Ministry of Tourism Michela Vittoria Brambilla talking about whatever came into his head.
I try to ask the guy with the hat and promised that after I leave and do not bother most, "But you know that today he is not here? You know they will not attend the hearing? "
" Yeah I know, but I do not say anything to her, and then it can go. " What seems an interview
failure brings me to think like the machine is working consensus in this country.
Consensus, typhoid, few ideas, if not better, shame and reticence. Skip
a car through the window a guy says, "but you do not realize that you're defending a thief?". A gazebo by
replied: "Your wife last night so I do not diva"
What kind of answer is? So what? So you respond to the stadium and maybe not even there anymore.
Perhaps it's to take a step back. Milan
campsite on huge posters of an imaginary 'Association on the side of Democracy. " Behind which there is obviously the hand of PresDelCons.
words hallucinated hallucinating at the same time talking about that democracy actually howl dictatorship
"Silvio Hang in there, save democracy," "Justice, Politics kills democracy" Sovereignty belongs to the People. "
are excerpts of a world tremendous, incredibly peoples of the southern Mediterranean are shrugged off with the courage and blood, and this little clown with his minions would like to import from us.
We have gone from the export of democracy with bombs, with the slogan of the dictatorship import.
analyze for a moment and see where Berlusconi slogans bear the consequences of his propaganda from the most innocuous (apparently) the most dangerous.

SILVIO gotta keep it strong: it seems the usual half-wit little phrase, among other things delivered to him some time ago: "I will resist in front of everyone, because I have a mission bring this country to compete with Europe. " This country was founded to Europe, then it is not clear who is to compete with! It is as if the attacker
competing with the midfielder of his stretched squad. The
insist on the Resistance has many implications. If
resist means you are in a position of weakness and attacked by the powers that are much stronger than you (vs Nazi Partisans).
If it means that you resist the evil enemies and you need the support of everyone, then the gentlemen in front of the courthouse did not know even that process was to attend Berlusconi and some said it was something related to "Sex gate "says a lot about what means to support Berlusconi.
resist So if you are good against someone who is invariably "bad" for various reasons but "bad."
On the other hand think about it, resist the rebels, bombing Gaddafi. In this sentence, who is bad.
resist Berlusconi, the pool of Milan attack. In this one instead?

THE GIUTIZIA UCID POLITICAL DEMOCRACY: this slogan has devastating implications.
I never get tired of putting the famous words that Toto Riina (boss of bosses of the Cosa Nostra) uttered in the courtroom of the process in 1994 "The Berlusconi government should look at the judges, by Violante, by Caselli, by Arlacchi, these are Communists' (if you want to search for the video just go to youtoube and search for "Riina common judge"
What political justice, and if there is, what is the line between justice not politics?
Anyone could claim to be persecuted when the enemies there will be invented.
Berlusconi is not a political dissident for his bad luck that it happened in the net of justice, but a ruthless business in this for anything other than Mr. Riina.
The consent of the mafia is from fear and ignorance, to Berlusconi? Tell me you.
SOVEREIGNTY 'belongs to the people here are focused for years all the lies good and beautiful Mr. Berlusconi and his political naivete on the other side, or if you prefer, his conception of the stupidity of the people.
The sovereignty belongs to the people, so who is elected by a majority (even if the elections are manipulated through a fraudulent law and the consent of the people Berlusconi has never exceeded 35%) has the right to rule and may do so he wants.
The concept would be something like this.
"The what you want" Berlusconi has expanded to articles of the penal code that could not even imagine, including child prostitution.
"Sovereignty belongs to the people, so I I do not have elected judges who were not elected does anyone "had this to say B. a few years ago during a press conference. So
drawing the appropriate conclusions, since even the police are elected they could not arrest me, because the financiers are not elected can not check my accounts and, finally, if I were to make me work for appendicitis by a surgeon would touch only elected by the people, then being a graduate in medicine or not does not matter!
Muammar Gaddafi to release a now famous interview with Oriana Fallaci in December 1979. I believe that Colonel
define what is so dear the concept of popular sovereignty.
This explains many things of the friendship between the two leaders.
Colonel, seeing is not considered a dictator, not even a president, not even a minister, explain to me, but she has that job? What is it? "I am the leader of the revolution."
And how came to the conclusion that democracy is a dictatorship, the Parliament is a sham, the election a sham? "I tried to understand what Jamahiriya (lit. scheme of the masses so the colonel called his regime). You should settle down here in Libya and study how a country where there is no representation nor Parliament nor Jamahiriya strikes and everything. "
And where is the opposition? "What opposition? What does it matter the opposition? When all are part of the people, what need is there opposition? Opposition to what? The opposition is made to the government!
This is more or less popular sovereignty in the head of Berlusconi.
A leader who rules without even the need for a real government, all his servants are incapable of poor masses and not just one seems barely sentient or aware that his role is not to the prince's valet is eliminated.
Some time ago this type of government was established absolute monarchy, nor the military juntas of up america we are ever closer. Not even Mussolini could never create such a state, if only because to do so the masses must be absolutely yoked. Only the Sun King could afford to govern virtually alone with the help of the trust Cardinal Mazarin.
Hitler went near it, but he still needs a broad international consensus that just broke down, smashed his regime.
Today anyone who said to be the Sun King, would end up in a mental health center ... all except one, it seems.