I can not believe! Tell me that's just a nightmare and that soon I'll wake up and that the BIT in Milan, which is one of the showcases of international tourism more 'important, not only will it stand in the province of Enna, but there will be all the more' operational preparedness of the sector to advertise what promises to be the year of events, the year that will project our province in the international tourist scene with the arrival of the Venus of Morgantina and the reopening of the Villa Romana del Casale with acrolith and silver returned to our land ... Besides, we were at the BIT for years even when we had little to promote and now they tell me that the economic situation did not allow us to be present with a stand ... are we kidding? Perhaps money could be sought out with the participation of external sponsors, perhaps saving up for other events .. In short, not enough for me that the Assessor's office shall say sorry. Sorry what? Of not doing enough! Tell me that is not true that there will be only food and wine tastings and press conferences between provincial and municipal councilors but that our Province has prepared a rich and varied tourist package to sell to more 'important tour operators tell me that is just a nightmare and that soon will come to give us a hand the cultural tourist's management culture, profiles can use everything that comes to art and culture, professionals are able to promote our region in terms of artistic and cultural finally ceasing to entrust the management of tourism promotion and to those who does not even know what we're talking about ...
Tell me that we will soon forget about the country roads every day is traveled by bus with dozens of tourists and that the work will start soon to host the Venus in the town of Aidone. Tell me, please, that the tables will not only technical but useless chatter that will work to solve the problems that afflict our region for decades, by the reopening of the museum Alessi to avail of the Castello di Lombardia, the protocol with the Curia to allow ' Opening of the churches for language courses to accommodate foreign tourists ... work ... work ... work ... Do not just imagine hordes of Chinese and coach of pilgrims, tourism is another and we, we must admit we have some difficulties in the management of the same ... If these 365 days - which is a very short time - we can not to organize ourselves in a serious way and maybe it's better than operating the Venus remains in Los Angeles in his beautiful museum in Malibu ', the Villa Romana in management we can give to the Chinese and we ask the critic of art that promises to make Piazza Armerina the most 'beautiful of cities returning all the money we gave and continue to give ...
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