The word has a weight.
is never lightly, never furnishings. After that, a word makes its way in the mind, produces thought becomes action. The words do not come back. Never seen a word back in the throat of those who made the award or in the fingers of those who wrote it. The power of words is undeniable. It is for us not to put the word in the service of what in Star Wars was the dark side of force. Unfortunately in Italy the dark side is fed to fattening. An example? The exponent of the League Salvini reckless reactions after the events of Via Padova, Milan. After the brawl between North African and Latin Americans (following the murder of a young Egyptian) Salvini was the declaration of the "mop-up house by house" referring to immigrants. In a delicate situation in which common sense was used, was used instead the word "mop." Then it was denied. But the trouble has been done the same. No one can erase that word. It was pronounced, heard, cleared. And the step from the word of the tragedy, the word concentration camp is short. This kind of statement should never be taken lightly, hiding an abyss. Italians should be the first to get angry and demand respect for those who died because of that word. Let me give an example. Rome on a Saturday morning in October, for the Jews is a double celebration, the traditional Shabbat and Sukkot, the Feast of the Pilgrimage. We are in 1943. At 5.30 however, the inhabitants of the ghetto and not only they are arrested. Many will be loaded onto trains to Auschwitz. We should respect the dead, we should remember the past, we should no more words to babble nonsense, no more talk of raids.
Igiaba Scego
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