suspended its service for the sterilization of stray dogs. The Deputy Mayor of Piazza Armerina and Alderman Theodore Ribilotta of Health Innocenzo Di Carlo, during the press conference on September 30 called at the Hall lights, informed that on Monday the 27th in conjunction with the provincial health agencies would resulting from the sterilization of five dogs, already identified and removed, the premises made available by the Company of Ronza Forests and Public Property. In fact, the Administration on Nigrelli has been a pioneer in the province, having already made microchippatura the entire dog population of the area and was a pioneer once again when Monday 27, a process already begun, with dogs already collected, had not been informed that sterilization could not have been left for unspecified problems. The City has had to allocate it temporarily for a few days and the dogs at the premises of the ex absentia SIAC, where volunteers of animal welfare groups have gone to give them proper care, waiting for the other institutions involved permit sterilization planned. E 'known to the website of the Buzz, owned by regional, there are a veterinary clinic and, from an old kennel, pit except for pre-and post-operative hospitalization. For several years based on that gravitate LIPU volunteers, who were authorized to use the premises for interventions in birds. The suspicion is that someone has been there the last time such action aimed at stopping the activities of canine sterilization, even if you do not know the words. However, it is not acceptable, any are the reasons for the dispute, that a municipality that wants to do his duty after years of past administrations to put it mildly distracted the topic should not be allowed to do so. We are indeed in a situation of extreme emergency and certainly the combined action of the canine microchippatura with the sterilization of dogs could prevent health hazards el'incolumità citizens. Now pass the word to the Prefect of Enna, Nigrelli alerted by the Administration, has already secured his intervention to break the deadlock. At this point, it is desirable to convene a technical committee with all stakeholders of the event, including those who, inexplicably trying to block the intervention of the City of Piazza Armerina.
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