The Prime Minister said that she looks in the mirror and ruin the day, but Mercedes Bresso, president of the Piedmont Region and the center-left candidate in a second term, do not you pray for reply: "One might say that it is just a botched joke, for two reasons: first of all because, actually, I'm always in a good mood, it is difficult to find a photo of me that is not smiling. And also because as a trick, they use little, I have less need for Berlusconi. I am the youngest and best preserved, even without lifting. " After insulting the prime minister to Bresso, President of the Democratic Party, Rosy Bindi, gave her a mirror, "a tribute to your femininity, your courage and your skills," he said Bindi during a meeting with election Asti, explaining that the item had been donated by a woman "a few days after the offenses in the TV premier." The Bresso, during the meeting that the Berlusconi yesterday held in Turin, was the victim of his opinions on the issue. "We like to mirror - Bindi explained - because we feel good about ourselves and we feel so strong. I am convinced that Mercedes Bresso defends the vulgarity of the Prime Minister alone. And I do not think - he added - that Italian women feel respected in their dignity by a man who reduces the woman to his physical size, the currency, according to his personal aesthetic judgments and uses them as an instrument of political corruption. Even so - he concluded - Berlusconi contributes to the degradation of civil and moral life of the country. "
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